Interpretation of the odds ratio

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1313344

A study was done for young adults to look at the link between taking a drivers education class and the risk of being in an automobie accident.  450 participants were invloved in the study, 150 cases who had been in an accident and 300 controls who had not.  Of 150 cases, 70 reported having taken a driver's education class.  Of 300 controls, 170 reported having taken a driver's education course.

Determine and interpret the suitable measure of association between the driver's education and the accidents.

The question arose as to if the gender might be an effect modifier of this association.  When gender was assessed the data looked just as the following:








No accident


No accident

Drivers Ed





No drivers Ed





Carry out the suitable calculations in order to test for effect modification.  Interpret your results.

Reference no: EM1313344

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