Interpret kant philosophy

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Reference no: EM133317922

Kant, in the Critique of Pure Reason (B 5), states the following about the principle of causation:

If an example from the sciences be desired, we have only look to any of the propositions of mathematics; if we seek an example from the understanding in its quite ordinary employment, the proposition, 'every alteration must have a cause,' will serve our purpose. In the latter case, indeed, the very concept of a cause so manifestly contains the concept of a necessity of connection with an effect and of the strict universality of the rule, that the concept would be altogether lost if we attempted to derive it, as Hume has done, from a repeated association of that which happens with that which precedes, and from a custom of connecting representations, a custom originating in this repeated association, and constituting therefore a merely subjective necessity. Even without appealing to such examples, it is possible to show that pure a priori principles are indispensable for the possibility of experience, and so to prove their existence a priori. For whence could experience derive its certainty, if all the rules, according to which it proceeds, were always themselves empirical, and therefore contingent? Such rules could hardly be regarded as first principles. At present, however, we may be content to have established the fact that our faculty of knowledge does have a pure employment, and to have shown what are the criteria of such an employment.

Interpret Kant's philosophy and how Kant's philosophy of causation differs from Hume's; and Why Kant claims that the connection between cause and effect cannot be an object of experience and therefore cannot be validated by experience.

Reference no: EM133317922

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