Reference no: EM132371908
Interpret and Use Financial Statistics and Tools
Assessment Instructions:
• In this assessment you will be gathering evidence of your work-based skills of statistics through analysing and interpreting given statistical data. The interpretation of the data must be compiled into an Excel Dashboard and a written report in the appropriate format.
• All skills must be demonstrated to achieve a satisfactory result.
• Ensure your report is no more than 9 pages which includes the cover page and the table of contents.
• Please submit using the completed submission and feedback form.
• Refer to Task Requirements for additional information.
• Due session/week 9.
Assessment Task Requirements
Create a dashboard in Excel or using Tabuleau that showcases the key aspects of a data set
Dashboards track KPIs, metrics, and other data points in one visual, central place. They are made up of tables, charts, gauges, and numbers and give you a high-level view of work, helping you make quick decisions and keeping everyone up to date. A dashboard's visual nature simplifies complex data and provides an at-a-glance view of status or performance in real time.
Before you start building your dashboard, consider the following:
• Why are you creating this dashboard?
• What purpose it will serve?
• What capabilities do you need?
• Who needs to see the dashboard?
You are required to:
• Create a Dashboard that highlights the key aspects of your data. Your dashboard should include:
– a heading/title that appropriately addresses the type of data that you are displaying in your dashboard (focus)
– graphs, charts, tables, numbers, images, etc representing the data
– interactive prompts (changing some of the data displayed - slicers)
– any other graphical aspects that will help to present your dashboard in a professional manner (e.g. minor headings, separating lines, etc)
• The dashboard MUST be placed in one worksheet that is fully viewable within the dimensions (size) of the screen.
– name your worksheet tab = DASHBOARD
– turn-off all scroll-bars
• Use formal business English that is clear and easy for the reader to follow.
• Check your work for expression, grammar, spelling, and punctuation before submitting.
Provide a brief synopsis as a report of the data highlighted in the dashboard and a list of business recommendations based on the findings.
To make effective decisions organisations need accurate, timely, objective and concise information. Often this information is delivered in a business report written in response to a business issue or problem. The recommendations section of a report suggests actions that can be taken to address the issue based on findings. Recommendations could be for change, improvement or new ideas to improve such areas as service, productivity or performance.
You are required to:
• Present your synopsis and recommendations as a report.
• Use formal business English that is clear and easy for the reader to follow.
• Use new vocabulary introduced in the unit.
• Check your work for expression, grammar, spelling, and punctuation before submitting.
Your written work should include:
• An appropriate heading.
• A brief explanation and interpretation of the information presented in the dashboard. That is:
– briefly explain what the dashboard is about (what is the focus of the dashboard)
– provide an overarching understanding of the data (in all, what does the information mean to the organisation)
– explain the outcome/meaning of each table, chart, graph, text or image
– provide an understanding of the interactive elements used in your dashboard and how it varies the view of your data (filters / slicers)
• Include suggestions on how you can supplement / improve your dashboard through the use of external data.
You should:
1. Access and retrieve the statistics data from the Excel spread sheet.
2. Organise and structure the data by creating class intervals (sub groups) based on selected variables. Remember you can use pivot tables, sub groups, pivot charts, slicers, sparklines, conditional formatting and other Excel functionality to assist in your analysis and the production of your Excel Dashboard.
3. Analyse the data based on the following:
a. For each group determine which variables fit into the different class intervals and calculate the mean and standard deviation.
b. Calculate the 5 number summaries for each group and produce a box and whisker plot of for each group. Plot the box and whisker plots in parallel. Compare and interpret your findings.
c. Calculate a correlation matrix between the variables and identify any significant linear associations. Discuss.
d. Follow up with some trend line analysis and make some predictions based on your explanatory variable using the relevant range to predict response variables.
4. Based on your analysis in Point 3, interpret and discuss what the data means? What have you found? Is there a relationship between the variables? What other relationships can you identify?
5. Use graphs and tables to illustrate and explain and identify any data trends and estimates
6. Use relevant research to explain your interpretations and findings from the data.
7. Provide recommendations that a Manager can consider implementing to improve or change the functions/operations of the business. You should:
a. list your recommendations according to priority, that is note the most important recommendation first
b. number each recommendation to show order of priority
c. write your recommendation in actionable terms
8. Store the statistical data in the Excel spreadsheet so that it can easily be accessed, saved and viewed and ensure your workings in the spreadsheet are submitted as a separate document online through Blackboard
9. Prepare a report of at least 8-9 pages using Word analysing and interpreting the statistical data produced in your Dashboard.
10. Ensure you use graphs and tables to be able to explain and identify any data trends and estimates
11. The report must include the following sections: cover page, table of contents, introduction, main body, conclusions and recommendations, and references (refer Marking Guide on the next page)
Attachment:- Interpret and Use Financial Statistics and Tools.rar