Internet when suddenly everything stops working

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133358614


Sue and Paul are sitting in a coffee shop using the Internet when suddenly everything stops working. After ten seconds, Paul says that he heard that devices on the Internet use packets, and they are probably blocked waiting because someone else is sending a packet. Can Paul be correct? Explain.

Reference no: EM133358614

Questions Cloud

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Internet when suddenly everything stops working : Sue and Paul are sitting in a coffee shop using the Internet when suddenly everything stops working.
Describe the steps and measures that you will use to help : Specify and describe the steps and measures that you will use to help ensure the communication of this message will get the results that you want to get.
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Particular emphasis on attacks/limitations of the protocol. : Explain PPTP the working and details of the protocol clearly. Wikipedia is not acceptable. with particular emphasis on attacks/limitations of the protocol.


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