Internet for standard security guidelines for industries

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM131098785

Q1) Conduct a search on the Internet for standard security guidelines for industries such as banking, retail, and finance. Compare and discuss the recommendations of each set of standards. How does each industry differ from or resemble others in terms of information security?

Q2) Why was the Heartbleed bug so concerning? What sorts of products and services were impacted by the bug? Do some research online. Did you use any products or services that were vulnerable because of Heartbleed? How did you find out about Heartbleed? What are you doing to ensure that you are aware of similar security threats in the future?

Q3) What is a botnet? What sorts of exploits would use a botnet? Why would a botnet be useful to cybercriminals?
Why are threats to the power grid potentially so concerning? What are the implications of power-grid failure and of property damage? Who might execute these kinds of attacks? What are the implications for firms and governments planning for the possibility of cyberwarfare and cyberterror? Why do law enforcement agencies struggle to cope with computer crime?

Q4) The Geneva Conventions are a set of international treaties that in part set standards for protecting citizens in and around a war zone. Should we have similar rules that set the limits of cyberwarfare? Would such limits even be effective? Why or why not?

Q5) What does the rise of cyberwarfare suggest for businesses and organizations? What sorts of contingencies should firms consider and possibly prepare for? How might considerations also impact a firm's partners, customers, and suppliers?

Reference no: EM131098785

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