Internet field trip

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Reference no: EM13182090

Assignment #2: Internet Field Trip 

1. Research: Research at least six (6) information sources on forecasting methods; take notes and record and interpret significant facts, meaningful graphics, accurate sounds and evaluated alternative points of view.
2. Preparation: Produce as storyboard with thumbnails of at least ten (10) slides. Include the following elements: 
o Title of slide, text, background color, placement & size of graphic, fonts - color, size, type for text and headings
o Hyperlinks (list URLs of any site linked from the slide), narration text, and audio files (if any)
o Number on slides clear
o Logical sequence to the presentation 
3. Content: Provide written content with the following elements:
o introduction that presents the overall topic (clear sense of the project's main idea) and draws the audience into the presentation with compelling questions or by relating to the audience's interests or goals.
o accurate, current 
o clear, concise, and shows logical progression of ideas and supporting information
o motivating questions and advanced organizers
o drawn mainly from primary sources
4. Text Elements: Slides should have the following characteristics:
o fonts are easy-to-read; point size that varies appropriately for headings and text
o italics, bold, and indentations enhance readability
o background and colors enhance the readability of text
o appropriate in length for the target audience; to the point
5. Layout: The layout should have the following characteristics:
o visually pleasing 
o contributes to the overall message 
o appropriate use of headings, subheadings and white space
6. Media: The graphics, sound, and/or animation should 
o assist in presenting an overall theme and enhance understanding of concept, ideas and relationships 
o have original images that are created using proper size and resolution; enhance the content
o have a consistent visual theme.
7. Citations: The sources of information should:
o properly cited so that the audience can determine the credibility and authority of the information presented 
o be properly formatted according to APA style 

Reference no: EM13182090

Questions Cloud

Which of the following is bad advice for a speaker : Which of the following is bad advice for a speaker?
Research work breakdown structures : Research work breakdown structures and compare one created with MS Project and one created without software. Justify which work breakdown structure you prefer with supporting reasons.
What group felt deep frustrations over underrepresentation : What group felt deep frustrations over the underrepresentation of the western settlements in the colonies’ legislatures and over the corrupt county authorities in the mid-1760s backcountry of the Carolinas?
The copernican system for planetary motion : The copernican system for planetary motion is
Internet field trip : Research at least six (6) information sources on forecasting methods; take notes and record and interpret significant facts, meaningful graphics, accurate sounds and evaluated alternative points of view.
Validity-reliability and accuracy : Explain how you plan to promote validity and reliability in your assessment, and how your assessment addresses the four categories of sources of error identified in the text, thereby promoting accuracy.
Changes in philosophical thought show development over time : Analyze the changes in the concept of hero and saint in the emergence of Romanticism (St. Francis and Dante), the agony and ecstasy of Michelangelo, Enlightenment patterns of cultural mutation, and Kierkegaard's portrayal of Abraham. How do these cha..
Process synthesis : A process for isolating an antibody against insulin has, a unit operation, the reaction of the antibody with the antigen in a continuous stirred tnk reactor. The reaction product is a precipitate that is continuously removed from the reactor with 10%..
Science fiction : Why does science fiction, which supposedly celebrates science and technology, contain so many evil geniuses and mad scientists? Use examples from movies, TV, video games, graphic novels, or fictional sources with which you are familiar to help explai..


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