International marketing and mode of entry issues

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131227991 , Length: 14

Term Paper (Format/Style):

- 12-14 pages, DOUBLE-SPACE; use APA style; format required, see references/citations format.
- See "Journal of International Business Studies" Link for format/style purpose.
- Also see: "Form & Style", Available in many libraries.

Term Paper Format:

1. Title Page: Term Paper Topic/Student Name/Course/Semester/Mailing Address

2. Page one - Abstract (150 words)

3. Introduction (2 pages)

4. Theory & Literature Review (2-3 pages)

5. Current Issues & Analysis (discuss issues relevant to your topic; sub-headings recommended; 3-5 pages)

6. Your Topic's Implications for Int'l marketing Managers (1-2 pages)

7. Conclusion (1 page)

8. References (from academic periodicals/journals & Web sites; APA format required); minimum: 12 from academic journals.

9. Tables/Charts/Figures (determined by topics)

Suggested Term Paper Topics in International Marketing (Fall 2015):

- Emerging markets and international marketing
- International marketing in the BRIC
- International marketing and mode of entry issues and strategies
- 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis (country, region or sector-specific issues)
- Collaboration, joint ventures, and strategic alliances: Theory, concepts and strategies
- International marketing and cross-cultural management strategies
- International marketing and International Agriculture
- WTO and changing international trade
- Foreign direct investment (FDI) and country-specific studies
- Political risk analysis, terrorism and regional issues
- International legal systems (compare two countries)
- International financial crisis of 2008-2009: Issues and Recovery
- International logistics and distribution systems
- Managing international joint ventures (IJVs)
- Tariff vs. non-tariff barriers in international business
- Economic integration and regional groupings: Opportunities and problems (EU, NAFTA, FTAA, FTAA, MERCOSUR, EFTA, etc.)
- European Monetary Union and one currency
- International marketing: Theories and strategies (distribution, international logistics, product policy and strategy issues)
- Impact of barter and countertrade on international marketing
- The World Bank and the IMF: Implications for international marketing
- International marketing and globalization issues
- International marketing, MNCs and global strategies
- Emerging markets debate (compare 2-3 markets)
- International marketing and global e-business/e-commerce
- Country-of-origin (COO) issue, product policies and international marketing
- Emerging market-MNCs: Changing markets & global strategies
- China's future market; market entry strategies
- FDI in China: Current issues and future prospects
- Global value chains and international marketing
- Japanese distribution system; marketing strategies in Japan
- Global marketing strategies in 2-3 countries
- Competition policies and antitrust issues
- Global outsourcing strategies
- Country-specific studies and global strategies (India's software industry, Korean auto industry, Taiwan's silicon valley, etc.)
- Outsourcing/offshoring/Insourcing Issues
- Intellectual property rights issues and international marketing
- China's emerging economy and international marketing
- China versus India: A comparative study of two emerging markets
- Other topics (see textbook)

Reference no: EM131227991

Questions Cloud

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How do you think proctor and gamble : In 300 words or more, please, provide your response to the above discussion question. If Bayer is currently making normal profits on most of the products in its product line, but is making pure profits on its new Alka-Seltzer Plus with decongestan..
Weaknesses analysis on internal factors at usps : Weaknesses analysis on internal factors at USPS. Answer the following questions citing sources. 2-3 pages more or less
International marketing and mode of entry issues : International marketing and mode of entry issues and strategies - Journal of International Business Studies" Link for format/style purpose
How do nominal wage rates compare at those two points : (Real Wages) In Exhibit 2 in this chapter, how does the real wage rate at point c compare with the real wage rate at point a? How do nominal wage rates compare at those two points? Explain your answers.
Sketch a cmos transmission gate and describe its operation : Sketch a CMOS transmission gate and describe its operation. - Why is the quasistatic output voltage always equal to the quasi-static input voltage?
Distinguish between beneficial and adverse supply shocks : Distinguish between beneficial and adverse supply shocks. Do such shocks affect the short-run aggregate supply curve, the long-run aggregate supply curve, or both? What is the resulting impact on potential GDP?
Journalize the business transactions in the general journal : HIA 4020 ASSIGNMENT - Journalize the following business transactions in the general journal included below. Identify each transaction by number. Include an explanation/description for each entry.


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