International human resource management

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133224


The International Human Resource Management narrative uses four terms to describe multinational enterprises' approaches to control and staffing their subsidiaries.

(a) Briefly delineate the main rationale behind each approach to staffing for international business.

(b) What are the main benefits and drawbacks of each approach?


(a) The International Human Resource Management literature has every time identified three key grounds for transferring staff through the use of various forms of international assignments.
Convoluted on the three key reasons why internationals persist in transferring staff for international assignments.

(b) In a cross-national context, multinational ventures have more human resource options for diverse posts. However, each choice has unlike advantages and costs.
What are the main plus points and shortcomings of using Parent Country Nationals (PCNs) and Third Country Nationals (TCNs)?


(a) Expanding appropriate selection criteria has become a critical IHRM issue. Factors involved in expatriate selection can be both in terms of the entity and the specifics of the situation concerned.
Briefly elaborate on the three most important situational factors involved in the selection decision.

(b) The various roles of the expatriate help to explain why expatriates are utilized and illustrate why international assignments maintain to be an important aspect of international business from the organization's perspective.

Elaborate on three main roles of an expatriate.


(a) Researchers in international management have acknowledged a number of factors that can affect HRM in global markets.

Explain how-

(i) education-human capital; and

(ii) political-legal system; can affect HRM in international markets.

(b) Human resource management is more challenging for a multinational business than a strictly domestic business.
 Discuss three main factors which contribute to the complexity of International HRM.



Reference no: EM133224

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