Reference no: EM132893972
1. Is China Stealing U.S. Intellectual Property?
2. Competitive Strategies of Airline Carriers: Which One(s) Performs Best? Why?
3. International Franchising: Challenges and Opportunities
4. The Beer Import Market: A Comparative Analysis of the Winning Strategies of the Top Brands
5. A Post-Maduro Venezuela: What are the Best Investment Prospects? Why?
6. Human Capital in Large Firms: Do Women Make Better Leaders than Men?
7. The Current Status and Outlook for the Global Arms Industry: Growth, Contraction or Stagnation?
8. Global Venture Capital: Its Evolution, Present Status, Barriers and Opportunities
9. Financial Operations and Strategies of the Drug Trade: How and Why the Industry Succeeds and What Can be Done to Combat It?
10. Innovations in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: What's New and How Does it Increase Performance?
11. How is COVID 19 Impacting Global Supply Chains and How are Companies Responding?
12. Free Trade and Job Displacement: What Can Be Done to Assist Companies and Employees Negatively Impacted?
13. Which Countries are Most Effective in Attacking Corruption and What is Their Formula?
14. The Global Market for Start-ups: Which Countries/Cities are Best for Launching, Funding, Marketing and Operating A Start-up Venture? How and Why?
15. The Globalization of American Sports: Why and How are Baseball, Basketball and Football Achieving Success in Foreign Markets and Will it Continue?
16. The Case for Foreign Direct Investment in Central America: Why, Where, How?
17. The Competition in the Global Cosmetics Industry: Winning Strategies of Firms
18. Can Alternative Energy Compete Effectively Against Fossil Fuels? Which are the Best Prospects?
19. The International Arms Industry: Supply, Demand, Challenges, and Opportunities
20. Should Facebook, Google, and Amazon be Broken Up? Pro and Con Arguments
21. Microcredit in Developing Nations: Challenges, Opportunities, and Limitations
22. How will COVID-19 Impact Foreign Direct Investment? Which Industries and Countries will Be Most Impacted?
23. Competition in the Global Luxury Market: The Case of High-End Tourism
24. Mergers and Acquisitions: Similarities and Differences Among Successful Venture
25. Bringing Manufacturing and Services Closer to Home: How Viable is Nearsourcing?