International council of shopping centers reports

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Reference no: EM13338463

The international council of shopping centers reports that the average teenager spends 39 during a shopping trip to the mall. The promotions director of a local mall has used a variety of strategies to attract area teens to his mall, including live bands. He believed teen shoppers at his mall respond to his promotional efforts by shopping there more often and spending more. Mall management decides to evaluate the promotions directors success by surveying a simple random sampleof 45 local teens and finding out how much they spent on their most recent shopping vsist ot the mall. Use a sutiable hypothesis test in example whether the mean mall shopping expenditure for teens in this area might be higher than for U.S teens as a whole. Identify and interpret the p value for the test. Using the 0.025 level of significance, what conclusion do you reach

Reference no: EM13338463

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