Internal-external environments using appropriate models

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133513594


Strategy and case analysis: Assignment Two Guidelines Assessment 2 Assessment type Case analysis Reflect on what you have learned about strategy.

Be sure to assess both the internal and the external environments using appropriate models and tools. Not every model we have covered will be relevant to the case. Part of the assignment is for you to judge what are the important issues, and which tools and techniques will help you to understand the situation.

Be sure to discuss examples to illustrate your understanding and justify your analyses. Assessment details The assignment is a Case Analysis by which you use the learnings from this unit to explain, analyse and discuss the strategy, and its implementation Choose an organisation that best fits with how you would demonstrate what you have learnt about strategy and its implementation.

Be sure to use and apply relevant concepts, models, tools, and theories from the course (all weeks from 1 to 6 as relevant) to support and justify your assertions, conclusions, and plans. NOTE: You must use examples and information from the case to explain and justify some of your statements, conclusions.

External focused strategy techniques such as porter 5 forces analysis, PESTAL, CAGE and internal focus modelling is it a simple fit, miles and snow fit, the star model (Galbraith's), what are the strategies used.

Reference no: EM133513594

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Internal-external environments using appropriate models : Assess both the internal and the external environments using appropriate models and tools. Not every model we have covered will be relevant to the case.
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