Internal and external sources of information

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133101411

The assignment is designed to provide students the opportunity to demonstrate the skills and knowledge gained from the course to discuss the range of decisions to be taken, examine the information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision making, assess internal and external sources of information and understanding and suggest recommendations for improvement.

Focusing on a company that you are familiar with, using examples from your own work experience where possible and applying your knowledge on the subject, please attempt answering the following 3 questions:

1. What is the essential information and knowledge required to ensure effective decision making? You need to remember that the challenge for a business is to capture and use information that is relevant and reliable.

2. What are the internal and external sources of information and understanding available for your case company?

3. Suggest ways to improve access to information and knowledge required for effective decision making.

Reference no: EM133101411

Questions Cloud

Global recession beginning in 2008 : The global recession beginning in 2008 created many problems for the European Union. Review the attached summary of means regional economic integrations.
Strain relationships and drag down business performance : Failure to appreciate and account for them can lead to embarrassing blunders, strain relationships, and drag down business performance.
What kind of organizational structure does organization use : Think of a company or organization with which you are familiar, perhaps one you have worked for, or even a place of worship or school.
Traditional system to lean operation system : What are some of the main obstacle that must be overcome in converting from a traditional system to lean operation system?
Internal and external sources of information : What are the internal and external sources of information and understanding available for your case company?
Introducing the do-it-yourself concept in egypt : Introducing the do-it-yourself concept in Egypt - the case of House Wonders, Ahmed Ayman and Mahitab Mohamed Shahin.
What is normative ethics : What is "normative" ethics? How do you define unethical supervision?
Levels of government in canada : 1. Identify the THREE (3) levels of government in Canada that have passed laws pertaining to the operation of automobiles. Provide ONE (1) example of a law pass
Explain ways strategies promote empowerment : Post description of the strategies for working with involuntary group members presented in the Schimmel & Jacobs (2011) article. Describe ways to agree and/or d


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