Intermediate programming

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM131624

1. Design a program that reads in a text file with drawing commands and then outputs a bitmap with all the items drawn correctly

2. BitmapFile.h and BitmapFile.cpp files are available for you to use see the example on how to use these files

3. Use CMPSC 122 Coding Standards

4. Must be Object Oriented using C/C++

- Must have a color class
- Must have an image class

5. Must use a STL container for storing the list of colors

6. Ask the user to input the name of the text file that contains the drawing information

7. The output file name is the input filename with the extension of ".bmp" So if the input file is "test.txt" the output file would automatically be "test.bmp"

8. Implement as many commands / parts as you can

9. Use your program to convert "what_is_this.txt" to "what_is_this.bmp" and include a copy of the output in your report

Drawing Text File Information

The input text file will only have a single command per line

There will be no white spaces before the first character of a command

Commands are case sensitive

The End-Of-Line (EOL) characters are the typical Microsoft ‘\r' ‘\n'

Color Names and text for Text() command may only contain alpha numeric characters and may not contain and of the following characters: , " ‘ ( ) ;

Reference no: EM131624

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