Interest on payday loans

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM137118

Q1. What is the rationale behind the mini-max regret rule? Illustrate several less formal and precise methods of dealing with uncertainty? Explain when they are useful?

Q2. Why are so many of the large industrialized nations like U.K., France, U.S., Japan which running continuing large federal deficits and what must be done to avoid default?

Q3. What do you imagine about the interest on payday loans is too high or just right? Christians be supposed to charge poor people interest on loans?

Q4. (a) Illustrate when the NPV and the IRR methods of evaluating investment projects provide contradictory results? (b) Also explain how can this arise? (c) Which method should then be used? Why?

Reference no: EM137118

Questions Cloud

Relationship between vehicle age and resale values : A new Taurus bought in 1994 cost $18,680 and it could have been sold as used in 1995 for $12,600.
Wilpen company : Wilpen plans to charge a wholesale price of $1.65 per can. As the average value of tennis racket is $110, and average household income of consumer is $24,600.
What is one main role of polysaccharides : Both the endocrine and nervous system are main regulating systems of the body though the nervous system has been compared to an airmail delivery system and the endocrine system to the pony express. Briefly explain the comparison.
What are reactants and products in the reaction : Hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) breaks down into water and oxygen. Explain why this is a chemical reaction. What are reactants and products in the reaction.
Interest on payday loans : What do you imagine about the interest on payday loans is too high or just right.
Illustrate the process of diffusion : Illustrate the process of diffusion. Name and explain the condition that exists when the diffusion of a particular substance is complete.
Uniform annual revenue : How much is the uniform annual revenue in years 2 through 5 to achieve economic equivalence if the company decides to use MARR.
An expected genotypic ratio of a cbcb x cbcw cross : How to write a discussion section for my electroencephalogram (EEG) lab report when all charts and data are already present.
Produce a competitive product : If ABC adds an assembly line for the product and XYZ does not follow with a competitive product.


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