Reference no: EM133117568
Intercultural Communication
1. Which of the imperatives for intercultural competence-demographic, technological, global, peace, or interpersonal-is the most powerful motivator for you to improve your intercultural competence? Explain.
2. Explain briefly the concepts of culture, communication and intercultural
3. Why cultures differ? What, according to your textbook authors, are the forces that maintain culturaldifferences?
4. Among the five metaphors (melting pot, tributaries, rainbow, tapestry and garden salad), which one, according to you, accurately describes the U.S cultural diversity? Explain with an example.
5. Your textbook describes several BASICs of intercultural competence. Among them, what three BASIC skills do you think are most important for developingintercultural communication competence? Explain.
6. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck list five major elements of cultural patterns.
Describe and analyze at least two of those elements.
7. What do you understand by high-context and low-context cultural taxonomy? Explain with at least one example each.
8. List the six dimensions of Hofstede's cultural taxonomy, and explain two of them with at least one example each.
9. Explain stereotyping, and how it impacts intercultural communication?
10. Explain the three different types of identities with one example each.
Experience-based situational interview questions
: What are 3 experience-based situational interview questions you might ask each candidate?
Managing dynamic
: Choose a current organization or a past employer, or an organization that you are familiar with. Many factors can influence the success of certain cultures.
Relationship between annual objectives and policies.
: Describe the relationship between annual objectives and policies. Briefly explain the seven guidelines to follow in developing an organizational chart.
Comment on hadoop distributed file system
: Comment on Hadoop Distributed File System and where it is used. What is Hive query language? Comment on Hadoop Distributed File System and where it is used
Intercultural communication
: Which of the imperatives for intercultural competence-demographic, technological, global, peace, or interpersonal-is the most powerful motivator for you
Feedback loops
: Who will you ask for feedback from within the company? Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for improving their feedback loops?
Relationship between risk and return
: What is the basic relationship between risk and return and how is this reflected in the value of the firm's stock? The cost of debt?
Different generic competitive strategies
: Briefly define the five different generic competitive strategies, then describe in detail, which one of these best describes the company(any).
Exploring intrapreneurship
: Discuss the differences and similarities of Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship. Discuss what the future of Intrapreneurship.