Interactive self-ordering kiosk

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131301866


The restaurant of the future is a self-ordering kiosk that presents a digital menu featuring photographs and descriptions of food items, takes orders from customers, calculates the bill, offers a multi-language option, and provides an electronic customer feedback system.

In today's generation, the convenience of using computer technologies in meeting the needs of people are widespread and self-ordering kiosks provide that for them. Nowadays, many restaurants are catching up with the trend and implementing self-ordering kiosks, which are commonly found on table tops, to automate their ordering process and make it run more efficiently. It is an opportunity for them to increase sales and minimise labour cost and save money. Furthermore, it improves the accuracy of customer orders and speeds up their service because there is no need to employ waiters, and orders are sent directly to the kitchen. Thus, it provides a new level of dining experience.

You are to develop an interactive self-ordering kiosk that has the following features:
- allows the user to input his first name and shows a welcome screen;
- allows the user to choose a language;
- allows the user to choose food items from menu with description;
- allows the user to add food items to the orders cart;
- allows the user to view the bill and input payment; and
- allows the user to answer a customer feedback form.

There are multiple users who have access to all of the functionalities. The users perform multiple functionalities, as indicated in the succeeding section.



- The program shows an Introduction form that displays a short description of the software.
- The user inputs his name and a welcome screen with his name will appear.

- The program displays activities for the user to choose. There is a language option, food menu option, request for bill, and customer feedback form.
- The user presses (or clicks) the option (button) or speaks the codename of the option. The program directs the user to the appropriate form according to the user's choke.

- The program provides an option to select two (2) languages: English or Arabic. The program shows the corresponding forms according to the preferred language.
- The user presses (or clicks) the preferred option (button).

- The program displays at least six (6) food choices with description using text control,
thumbnail of the animated clip using a picturebox control; and provides a link to play a short animation of the food choice using Windows Media Player.

The program provides voice assistance to the user when navigating this section.
- The user clicks either on the food choice button or play button of the Windows Media Player. If the food choice button is clicked, the program asks the user to input the number of orders and add the order details to the orders cart. The user can update his/her orders anytime. Likewise, if the program detects a button press on the play button, the program automatically plays an animated dip of the
chosen food.
- The program displays the orders cart and temporary bill. Moreover, the user inputs the mount due and the program calculates the change.


- The program displays a customer feedback form with several yes or no questions.
- The user clicks radio buttons to select his/her choice.

- The program computes the total number of yes and no answers. If the total number of yes exceeds the total number of number, then the program evaluates it as a positive feedback. Finally, the program displays a thank you note to the customer at the end of the transaction.

Important points
- The student should design his/her own interface in a way that is different from other students' interface design.
- Use HCI concepts when designing your user interface.
- Use meaningful variable names and comments in your program.

Documentation Structure

Your assignment should be submitted in one folder and in accordance with the faculty's procedures for coursework submission. You are required to submit the program code in electronic and printed form.

Attachment:- Forms.pdf

Verified Expert

This assignment was to develop an Visual Basic application to run the requirement. We have developed the source code to run the program. We have also added the screenshots and How to Run the code.

Reference no: EM131301866

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12/15/2016 6:55:26 AM

I want this assignment of IT. Please tell the tutor to read all the requirements carefully and the tutor is capable enough to make it in the best way. Please make sure the tutor is an IT professor with good experience and tell the tutor to check it carefully. Following is the sample of the assignment on how it should be.So please forward it to the tutor and make very sure if he is able to do in that way. make sure that the tutor goes through the assignment sample carefully and then only agree to do the assignment. if i will get the right prefect solution as i want. because paying so much money there's a lot of expectations. So please please be 100% sure about this assignment and accept only when the tutor can do it.


12/5/2016 7:40:35 AM

Front Cover Report body must include the following: I. Introduction - write a simple description of the program II. Review of Related Projects - Identify at least two (2) similar projects III. Design - display the screenshot of each form and label the different objects - give a brief description of eoch form IV. Implementation identify and discuss important code snippets V. Testing write at least 2 test cases for each form When printing the report please be aware of the following: Use A4 sized paper; • Margins of 35mm of the left side, 20 mm on all other sides; • Use one and a half line spacing; • Print on only one side of the papers; • Font for main text should be Times New Roman size 12 and code text can be Arial 12.


12/5/2016 7:38:56 AM

want this assignment of IT. Please tell the tutor to read all the requirements carefully and see if he can do it or not and is able to send it through email. Because sometimes IT files can't be sent through email. So please tell the tutor to check it carefully and let me know if the whole assignment can be send through email and the tutor is capable enough to make it in the best way. Thanks.

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