Interaction between the system and breakwater individuals

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133353401


How was a social movement (such as the Civil Rights movement, Native Americans, women's rights, or another social movement) supported and motivated by a Constitutional provision, such as the Equal Protection Clause or Due Process?

1. What are the legal, cultural, and or social components that support the system prior to the change and their purpose?

2. How did the interaction between the system and the breakwater individuals, organizations, and events prompt a change in the system?

3. What specific changes did the breakwater seek via their action?

  • What parts of the system and actions (media, going public, boycotts, etc) were used to advocate for change?
  • To what extent is the breakwater action successful in bringing change?

4. What lessons are learned that can be applied to contemporary breakwaters?

Reference no: EM133353401

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