11/1/2018 12:43:23 AM
The writing team is very good, help me to get a high score, my each and every homework are done here, my friends will be sending assignments here as well as they are very happy with the quality, is worth to recommend, worthy of trust. thank you !!
11/1/2018 12:42:18 AM
Hello, See the research has to be conducted by reading and analyzing IEEE journals and conference papers. Six conference papers should be used for the referencing and collecting information. So one team member has to read 2 of those journals and write their part. I have also sent a sample conference paper( a model free Approach To dynamic fleet Management). You can use this paper and any other similar to this. There were 2 PPT slides required for this assignment, please read my initial message, please provide one more PPT
11/1/2018 12:41:16 AM
Hello, See the research has to be conducted by reading and analyzing IEEE journals and conference papers. Six conference papers should be used for the referencing and collecting information. So one team member has to read 2 of those journals and write their part. I have also sent a sample conference paper( a model free Approach To dynamic fleet Management). You can use this paper and any other similar to this.
8/10/2018 11:29:47 PM
Project description – include client details 0.5
Research questions (max of 3 questions) 0.5
Project Design 0.5
Design approachto be used for the next project unit 4
Conclusion, limitations and future work 0.5
References 0.5
Total Marks 10
8/10/2018 11:29:41 PM
Project presentation marking– week 12
Presentation should be recorded and uploaded in week 11 on Moodle link.
Presentation should be for 12 minutes and 3 minutes for Questions and Answers.
Description Max Marks
Video file (5-10 minutes) submission 3
Template 0.5
8/10/2018 11:29:35 PM
Project presentation marking– week 8
Presentation should be for 12 minutes and 3 minutes for Questions and Answers.
Description Max Marks
Project description 1
Industry client project requirements (include client details and requirements) 1
Research questions (max of 3 questions) 1
Project Design 1
Design approaches from each member 5
Conclusion and references 1
Total Marks 10
8/10/2018 11:29:25 PM
Individual Report 2 for assignment 2 should include reflective journal on industry professional workshops. Students who could not attend week 6 and 7 industry professional workshops, should include report on 4 hours equivalent of the professional exposure.
Examples of professionalexposure
• Practical exposure in an environment outside the teaching establishment
• Guest lectures
• Use of industry visits and inspection
• Interviewing IT professionals
• Being mentored by a professional
• Direct industry input of data and advice to problem solving, projects and evaluation tasks
8/10/2018 11:29:19 PM
Evaluation Criteria Group member 1 Group member 2 Group member 3 Group member 4 Justify
Attends group meetings regularly and arrives on time.
Contributes meaningfully to group discussions.
Completes group assignments on time.
Prepares work in a quality manner.
Demonstrates a cooperative and supportive attitude.
Contributes significantly to the success of the project.
8/10/2018 11:29:12 PM
Individual Report
Self (Reflective journal) and Peer-evaluation report
Due week 5, 9 and 11
1. Common Class and supervisor meeting attendance and participation = 2 Marks for each week.
2. Write summary of weekly activitiesin 2-3 paragraphs in each section (D, E, E, P) in one reflective journal table. (2 Marks for assignment 1 and 2, 1.5 Marks for assignment 4)
3. Peer evaluation: Write peer evaluation report.(2 Marks for assignment 1 and 2, 1.5 Marks for assignment 4)
Write the name of each of your group members in a separate column. For each person, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement on the left, using a scale of 1-4 (1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=agree; 4=strongly agree). Total the numbers in each column.
8/10/2018 11:28:47 PM
Assignment 4 total marks for each member is calculated based on individual marks for weeks 9 – 11.
Assignment 4: Group presentation. Due in weeks 8 and 12
Description Max Marks
Group presentation
Due week 8 Oral presentation
Group presentation
Due week 12 Final presentation and submission of its video
Total Marks 10
8/10/2018 11:28:40 PM
7. Conclusion Limitations and Future work • Conclusion
• Clear and concise limitations to implementation plan for MN692
• Future work 2
Report format • Final report format 4
Appendix V • ACS CBOK elements mapped appropriately to the project description and justified 2
Total Marks 40
Individual Marks Attendance (Common class and supervisor meeting) and Participation (week 9-11)
Individual (Self and peer-evaluation)Report (week 9-11) 6
Total Marks 9
8/10/2018 11:28:30 PM
Assignment 3: Final report. Due week 11
The final report should include Assignments-1 and -2, updated based on feedback.Marks for the additional sections as given below.
Sections Description Max Marks
Comments updates • Appendix IV:Summary of the updates to theAssignment-2 based on the feedback and commentsprovided by the supervisors and the unit lecturer. 8
6. Research methods to be used for the next stage of the project • Roles & responsibilities of each team member in next part of the capstone project.
• Research methods to be used for MN692 (include detailed plan for implementation with specific technique, technology, software, applications, hardware and other resources.
8/10/2018 11:28:23 PM
Individual Marks Attendance (Common class and supervisor meeting) and Participation (week 5-8)
Individual (Self and peer-evaluation)Report (week 5-8) 8
Total Marks 12
Assignment-2 total marks for each member are calculated based on the overall group marks and the individual marks for week 5 – 8.
8/10/2018 11:28:01 PM
5. Project plan and preliminary design • Table of weekly activities
• Roles & responsibilities of each team member (in detail)
• Gantt chart appropriate to the project
• High level Project Design with diagram
• Project Individual Design Approaches: Project with block diagrams step by step (you can use UML/Use cases/flow charts). Negative marks will be given for inclusion of any software engineering or project management methodologies such as waterfall, agile, scrum, SDLC etc. Design approaches should be technical specific including techniques/technology/algorithms etc.
• Budget with references (detailed budget with specifications) – include hardware, software, human resources, etc.
8/10/2018 11:27:55 PM
Sections Description Max Marks
Comments updates • Summary of the updates according to the assignment 1 feedback/comments that are provided by supervisors/unit lecturer in Appendix IV. 4
8/10/2018 11:27:46 PM
References Are citations and references given correctly in IEEE style? 4
Appendix I Is Client Details with contact name’s signature and project proposal included? 1
Total Marks 20
Individual Marks Attendance (common class and supervisor meeting) and participation (week 1-4)
Individual (self and peer-evaluation) Report (week 1-4) 8
Total Marks 12
8/10/2018 11:27:40 PM
1. Background and Project Objective
Clear aim and objectives of the project.
Has literature review been conducted wellon the chosen topic (such as quality of the papers, variety of publications, including journals and conferences)?
Is the summary of the literature review clear, specific and does it capture the essence of the literature review conducted?Is the summary of all papers reviewed included in Appendix II: Literature Review Summary?[Each student should refer minimum of 6 (three journals, three conferences) peer-reviewed papers]
Does this section specifies objectives of the project in a clear and concise manner?
2. Project Requirements Analysis and Specification Does this section include details requirements specifications?
Does it include a list of project requirements: Are there clear project requirements such as hardware, software, etc?
8/10/2018 11:27:33 PM
Sections Description Max Marks
1. Introduction Is the topic introduced appropriately, and is there an overview of the report given in this section?
2. Problem domain and research questions Is there a specific research problem identified? Are the research questions relevant? 2
8/10/2018 11:27:20 PM
Assignment submission and Marks:
• Assignments 1, 2 and 3 are to be submitted as group work.
• Submission of self-evaluation (i.e. reflective journal) and peer-evaluation is individual responsibility.
• The marks given for Assignments 1, 2 and 3 are calculated as the overall group marks multiplied by individual student’s marks.
• The individual student’s marks will be based on the individual’s attendance and participation,as well as self and peer-evaluation, as per the following table:
In Week 5 (for weeks1- 4) Attendance and Participation
/ 8 Marks Self and peer-evaluation Report
/ 4 Marks
In week 9 (for weeks 5- 8) Attendance and Participation
/ 8 Marks Selfand peer-evaluation Report
/ 4 Marks
In week 11 (for weeks 9-11) Attendance and Participation
/ 6 Marks Selfand peer-evaluation Report
/ 3 Marks
8/10/2018 11:27:05 PM
All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.
8/10/2018 11:25:08 PM
Master of networking.
There are three assignments to be submitted in the project.
Now the first assignment is due urgently
We have to read 5 -6 ieee journals and conference papers
So 2 papers per person and use those papers as references and make our own thing
There has to be at least 10-12 pages.
We basically have to design/propose a system/service for taxi fleet Management
Using cloud computing.
There has to be an individual peer evaluation report as well with each assignment.
And also 2 presentations. So we are gonna need slides as well.
Individual peer evaluation report with each assignment.
It's like we have to write about what research did one person do on which h part and everything.
There are 5 people in the group so we'll also need 5 of these individual reports of at least 2 pages each summarizing about their understanding and contribution to the project.