Intelligence report in the left margin

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Reference no: EM13836615

For this assignment, you will "hunt" for answers to the questions provided using the Southern Poverty Law Center web site.

In terms of format, this assignment will look like your study tools, with your answers numbered 1 to 5, and ONLY the answers provided - do not retype questions, etc. Point Distribution - Each answer is worth 25 points. You may have to click on some of the selections more than once to get it to update.

Data and Information:

1. In the left margin of the page there is a section called ‘Get Informed.' Click on Hate Incidents. Choose 2014 for ‘Year' and Texas for ‘State.' Identify the number of incidents and the type of each incident. Repeat this for the years 2011, 2007, and 2003 (you may have to click ‘apply' more than once to get it to update).

To do: Now, report the data by year. Be sure to include both the number of incidents and the types of incidents. You may do this in a table format, or simply a listing format. After you have reported the data, call attention to [any] two interesting observations from this report. This part should be in sentences.

2. Now click ‘Intelligence Report' in the left margin. Browse through the latest issue. Choose one of the main stories (these will be listed first under ‘In This Issue'). Read the story.

To do: Summarize the story in 4 to 5 sentences.

3. Click on ‘Case Docket' in the left margin. Select ‘Death Penalty' from the Agenda Area drop menu. Choose one of the cases that interests you the most.

To do: Summarize the case in 4 to 5 sentences.

4. Click on ‘Hate Map' in the left margin. Identify a state with 40+ active hate groups, a state with 20 to 25 active hate groups, and a state with less than 5 active hate groups.

To do: Explain why you think there is such a difference in the number of active hate groups among the three states you selected (be sure to identify the 3 states). Use only 3 to 4 sentences.

5. Click on ‘Extremist Files' in the left margin. Then browse by Ideology. Choose one of the Ideologies.

To do: Describe "purpose/s" of the ideology you chose.

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Reference no: EM13836615

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