Integration of voip and wlan

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379538

Question: What type of issues do you think businesses will face with integration of cellular and wi-fi networks for mobile business users?

Question: Determine the integration of VOIP and WLAN. Discuss some of issues that need to be overcome, and what security issues needs to be addressed?


Reference no: EM1379538

Questions Cloud

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Integration of voip and wlan : Determine the integration of VOIP and WLAN. Discuss some of issues that need to be overcome, and what security issues needs to be addressed?
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Scientific principles behind a computer technology : Explain the scientific principles behind a computer technology and discuss how social, political, economic or ethical impact of computers on our cultural structures and beliefs.


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Operating System Questions & Answers

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  Virtual machines

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Throughput and capacity are determining factors for effectiveness of a system more so than processor speed?

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Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to combining voice, video, and data communications into one interface such as Skype.

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A local beauty corporation has implemented a website to boost sales and awareness of products they manufacture. The website will contain data about the firm and all products available.

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Function and wife calls deposit (). Explain how a race condition is possible and what might be done to prevent race condition from occurring.

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Assume that 80 percent of the accesses are in the associative memory and that, of the remaining, 10 percent (or 2 percent of the total) cause page faults.What is the effective memory access time?

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