Reference no: EM13936408
Learning outcomes:
• Investigate various communications environments and recommend strategies for deciding which integrated marketing communications elements to use and in which combinations, in dynamic circumstances.
• Apply creativity, initiative, innovation and specialised knowledge to audit a market, identify opportunities and create, implement and manage a marketing plan.
• Construct a campaign utilising a range of strategies to achieve identified outcomes within a given communications environment.
Task - You will work on an IMC Strategy project on a Government Department Run Tourism Attraction/ Facility/ Event e.g., Rottnest Island Board.
Strategy Report 4,500 words
a. Your project: Suppose you are an IMC consulting firm and a Government Department Run Tourism Attraction/ Facility/ Event has approached you to propose an IMC plan for their Government Department Run Tourism Attraction/ Facility/ Event.
b. Rationale for your project: why did you choose this Government Department Run Tourism Attraction/ Facility/ Event? Rationale can be from a need in the marketplace, perceived weakness in previous campaigns run by the Government Department Run Tourism Attraction/ Facility/ Event, you see an opportunity for the Government Department Run Tourism Attraction/ Facility/ Event to pursue that would support their attraction/ facility/event, etc.
c. Profile of the campaign audience: what's the demographic and psychographic profile? (The profile may already be written up in some media articles).
d. Audience perception/problem: what is your understanding of the key audiences' perception, attitude, lifestyle, etc that would help your campaign? Most campaigns are based on an insight of how consumers think, feel, and/or behave.
e. Campaign objectives: what do you want your campaign to achieve?
f. What is your campaign theme or ‘Big idea'? Provide some rough layouts or visuals to convey your campaign idea.
g. Marketing communications strategy and tools: which tools are going to be primary and secondary; how would you use the various tools to achieve your campaign objectives? Tools to be covered are the Internet, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, Public Relations, Personal Selling and Support Media. Be sure to justify why you may not use a tool as part of your Marketing Communications Strategy.
h. Campaign measurement: how would you measure the success of your campaign e.g. visits to campaign website/ conversions, responses, publicity generated, online survey, etc.?
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