Integrated engineering technologies strategy

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Reference no: EM132333447

Section 1: Assessment Plan

To demonstrate competence in this unit, the student must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following assessment tasks.

Instructions to complete the "Assessment Plan" Outcome Records

You are required to fill out this "assessment plan" outcome records in the assessment pack, when:
The student has completed and submitted all requirements for the assessment tasks for this cluster or unit of competency.
The student's work has been reviewed and assessed by you.
You have recorded a satisfactory/unsatisfactory result for each assessment task within each unit of competency.
Relevant and detailed feedback has been provided to Student.

Every assessment has a "Feedback to Candidate" section to record the following information. You must also ensure that all sections are filled appropriately, such as:
Result of Assessment (satisfactory or unsatisfactory)
Student name, signature and date
Assessor name, signature and date
Relevant and detailed feedback

Assessment Task 1

Purpose of the assessment
This assessment task is designed to evaluate your Knowledge for the following:

  • Knowledge of troubleshooting processes in a technology or integration environment.
  • Knowledge of concurrent engineering/holistic engineering principles.
  • Knowledge of the investigation methods for problem solving in an engineering design environment.
  • Knowledge of the difference between CAD (Computer aided Design) & Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM).
  • Knowledge of the difference between 2-D & 3-D modeling.
  • Knowledge of the latest modeling & simulation software available in the market.
  • Knowledge of Software Validation.
  • Knowledge of Critical Activity in critical path method


Q1: Explain design, implementation, commissioning & troubleshooting processes in a technology or integration environment? Answer (200-250 words)

Q2: Answer the following questions regarding "holistic engineering & various investigation methods
2.1 Explain What is concurrent engineering/holistic engineering principles list its 3- advantages? Answer in (100-125 words)
2.2 Explain the investigation methods for problem solving in an engineering design environment? Answer in (50-100 words)

Q3: Answer the following questions regarding CAD, CAM, 2-D & 3-D modeling
3.1. Explain What is the difference between CAD (Computer aided Design) & Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)? Answer in (50-80 Words)
3.2 What is the difference between 2-D & 3-D modeling? Answer in (50-100 words)

Q4: Answer the following questions regarding Simulation & Software validation
4.1 List 4 advantages with details for the latest modeling & simulation software available in the market? Answer in (30-50 words)
4.2 What is Software Validation? Answer in (50-75 words)

Q5: Explain the following
5.1 What is Critical Activity in critical path method? Answer in (50-75 words)
5.2 What are various scheduling techniques used normally Answer in (150-200 words)

Q6: Answer each in 30-60 words.

6.1 Why sign off a document /drawing is important in a design/construction process? Answer in (30-60 Words)

6.2 Explain the definition of the following in the context of Design, Engineering/Construction? Answer in (150-200 Words)

Assessment Task 2

Purpose of the assessment task:

This assessment task is designed to evaluate student's following skills and abilities:
Skills to evaluate the Implementation of BIM addressing.
Skills to prepare integration analysis and concept proposal for designs or operational changes
Skills tso Compare existing design integration.
Skills to Identify how processes machine, components can be integrated by BIM
Skills to address OHS, environmental & regulatory issues in BIM.
Reading skills to collect, review, interpret/understand and analyses/review text-based business information from several sources.
Written and oral/speech communication skills to organize and deliver information to effectively communicate on managing employee relations to a range of stakeholders/interested people.
Numeracy/numbers- mathematical skills to interpret/understand mathematical data when reviewing and analyzing scenario/setting-situation business information.
Skills to finalise Integration Strategy.
Skills to Implement integrated engineering technologies strategy.

Task 1
Clarify the scope of the integration design task and elaborate the specification
Evaluate the Implementation of BIM addressing following concerns:
PR 1.1 The scope of the integration design task and elaborate the specification
PR 1.2 Identifying How Processes machine, components can be integrated by BIM
PR 1.3 Determine the Critical points to be considered
PR 1.4 what is the USP which shall help in bury in from stakeholders
PR 1.5 How OHS, environmental & regulatory issues are addressed in BIM
PR 1.6 How BIM can effectively address budgetary overruns, schedule issues

Task 2
Prepare integration analysis and concept proposal for designs or operational changes
PR 2.1 What are the technologies and equipment to be integrated in BIM
PR 2.2 Compare existing design integration & how integration is done using BIM
PR 2.3 What are the Special features of BIM or its key performance parameters
PR 2.4 Identify key challenges in integrating automatically the analysis results in BIM model & provide mitigation measures to overcome those challenges

Task 3
Finalisation of Integration Strategy
PR 3.1 Demonstrate advantages of BIM over 2-D modelling in concept presentation to key stakeholders
PR 3.2 Prepare a SWOT Analysis of BIM w.r.t to 2-D modelling for your stakeholders to decide over to whether to proceed ahead with the 3-D BIM implementation
PR 3.3 Perform a time & motion study for 2-D & 3-D modelling & prove to stakeholders the time, cost & effort savings of implementing 3-D BIM modelling.
PR 3.4 Prepare a high-level Strategic business case for migration from 2-D to 3-D modelling.
PR 3.5 Evaluate e-signing facility in BIM & prepare security analysis of e-signing & provide mitigation measures for identified security concerns?

Task 4
Implement integrated engineering technologies strategy
The student must complete the activity using the attached below template (Student can use Case Study Scenario as a reference for completing the activity)

PR 4.1 Evaluate Cost savings by usage of BIM & analysis using CAD over prototype modeling & present results to the stakeholder (Explain with 300-400 words)

PR 4.2 Evaluate & demonstrate how various specifications can be integrated in BIM modeling to generate 100% accurate BOM as per client requirement (Explain with 100-200 words)
PR 4.3 Analyse How BIM helps in better communication & coordination with stakeholder (Explain with 100-200 words)
PR 4.4 Analyse How BIM helps in documentation & record maintenance (Explain with 50-100 words)

Assessment Task 3

Purpose of the assessment task:
This assessment task is designed to evaluate your following skills and abilities:
Skill to clarify the scope of the integration design task and elaborate the specification.
Skill to prepare integration analysis and concept proposal for designs or operational changes.
Skill to finalise integration strategy.
Skill to implement integrated engineering technologies strategy.

Activity 1:
In this activity, you are required to identify processes, machine, equipment, components and technologies covered by integration task.

Activity 2:
In this activity, you are required to determine and establish the parameters to the integration brief, including extent to which integration task goes beyond own technical field.
These parameters must include the following:
technology and process limits
capital and design budgets
product cost limits and budgets
anticipated post-integration performance specifications
equipment availability, capacities and restrictions
specified administrative, communication and approval procedures
other special features and limits in the integration brief

Activity 3:
Considering the different phases of the integration task, you are required to conduct a stakeholder analysis and determine the:
Stakeholders to be consulted during the project.
Input and advice that should be obtained from experts in other technical fields and disciplines
Critical times during the project when the input and advice should be obtained from them.

Activity 4:
In this activity, you are required to assess OHS, regulatory, sustainability or environmental issues relevant to integration task. You need to assess if the activities to be carried out during the integration task comply with the following:
OHS Acts and regulations
Relevant standards
Industry codes of practice
Registration requirements
Safe work practices
State and territory regulatory requirements
After assessing the issues, you must prepare a report and submit it to the management. Your report must include the following:
Activities to be carried out during the integration task.
OHS, regulatory, sustainability or environmental issues relevant to integration task.
Possible resolution.

Activity 5:
In this activity, you are required to:
confirm design brief, including budget and schedule with the trainer/assessor
and provide preliminary advice on feasibility.

Activity 6:
In this activity, student is required to prepare integration analysis and concept proposal for designs or operational changes, including the implementation plan, resource requirements, documents, specifications, graphics and instructions.

To do so, you need to:

  • Carry out initial investigations into technologies and equipment to be integrated.
  • Identify any existing or pre-designed integration.
  • Determine any special features of machines, equipment or processes that need to be considered
  • Carry out required analysis, modelling and calculations using appropriate software and validation techniques.
    • Use failure effects analysis (FEA) and numerical methods within object-oriented modelling techniques for performance analysis/modelling.
    • Compare traditional solutions for simple design problems with software solutions to the same design problems.
    • Review previously implemented design challenges which were completed using the software.
  • Obtain advice from experts in other technical fields and disciplines (As per Activity 3).
  • Generate a range of integration solutions.
  • Develop technical implementation plan and schedule.
  • Optimise chosen solution and technical implementation plan and schedule.
  • Check feasibility and evaluate solutions against design criteria, project brief or operating specifications ensuring conformity to technical, economic and OHS requirements
  • Analyse sustainability issues related to the integration and document social and sustainability implications of solutions.
  • Sustainability issues to be analysed are:
  • Resources and energy:
  • Sources, access, processing and consumption
  • Food security and agriculture, health, education and shelter
  • Land, energy and water
  • Social and economic factors affecting design of machines and equipment
  • Life cycle design of product (manufacture to re-manufacture or recycle)
  • Raw material, solids and hazardous waste, and production by-products
  • Contamination of land, air and stormwater pollutants, and discharge to sewerage
  • Climate change

The "Integration analysis and concept proposal for designs or operational changes" must include the following:

  • Outcomes of the initial investigations into technologies and equipment to be integrated.
  • Existing or pre-designed integration.
  • Special features of machines, equipment or processes that need to be considered
  • Outcomes of the analysis.
  • Integration solutions.
  • Technical implementation plan and schedule.
  • Outcomes of the optimisation of chosen solution and technical implementation plan and schedule.
  • Feasibility outcomes.
  • Outcomes of evaluation of solutions against design criteria, project brief or operating specifications ensuring conformity to technical, economic and OHS requirements.
  • Social and sustainability implications of solutions.

Activity 7:
In this activity, you are required to prepare and deliver a presentation on the integration concept proposals to the client or supervisors.
The presentation must include the outcomes of the "Integration Project proposal" developed in Activity 6.

Activity 8:
In this activity, you are required to finalise integration strategy. This is to be done in consultation with the client and the stakeholders in a meeting.

These roles will be allocated by the trainer/assessor. The stakeholders will include the following:

  • Financier
  • Project or operations team
  • Accounts and legal professional
  • Technical expert

You need to:

  • Chair the meeting.
  • Evaluate concept proposals with client (refer to outcomes of Activity 6).
  • Finalise selected integration strategy
  • Gather input from the stakeholders regarding selected integration strategy.
  • Finalise design elements or modifications and implementation strategy
  • Ensure preparation of all required documentation, drawings, specifications and instructions
  • Obtain sign-off on integration strategy and documentation.

Activity 9:

In this activity, you are required to implement, monitor and support the integrated engineering technologies strategy.

To do so, you need to:

  • Monitor and support prototyping or testing of machine, process or technology using selected integrated engineering strategy. This includes:
    provision of assistance with hardware procurement and system assembly and arrangements to suit design
    assisting installation and commissioning
    provision of advice on adjustments, revisions and required documentation
  • Analyse performance against the integrated engineering technologies strategy and internal or external client specifications.
  • After conducting analysis, identify the adjustments required in the strategy and revise the strategy if required.
  • Obtain sign-off from trainer/assessor and oversight production of adjusted documentation, drawings, specifications and instructions.
  • Communicate and negotiate with the stakeholders to address issues such as design and resources adjustments.
  • Maintain design and implementation documentation and records in accordance with organisational standards.

Attachment:- Unit Assessment Pack - v10.rar

Reference no: EM132333447

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7/4/2019 10:23:24 PM

Reviewed previously implemented design challenges which were completed using the software. Develop technical implementation plan and schedule that incorporated the integration task activities. Optimised chosen solution and technical implementation plan and schedule. Checked feasibility and evaluated solutions against design criteria, project brief or operating specifications ensuring conformity to technical, economic and OHS requirements. Documented implications were in line with the sustainability issues related to the integration task. Used questioning and listening techniques to exchange and clarify information. Used appropriate terminology, tone and style. Finalised selected integration strategy Gathered input from the stakeholders regarding selected integration strategy. Finalised design elements or modifications and implementation strategy Ensured preparation of all required documentation, drawings, specifications and instructions


7/4/2019 10:23:14 PM

Identified the OHS, regulatory, sustainability or environmental issues relevant to integration task. Confirmed design brief, including budget and schedule with the trainer/assessor. Identified any existing or pre-designed integration. Determined any special features of machines, equipment or processes that need to be considered. Used failure effects analysis (FEA) and numerical methods within object-oriented modelling techniques for performance analysis/modelling. Compared traditional solutions for simple design problems with software solutions to the same design problems.


7/4/2019 10:23:07 PM

Does the candidate answer the following? Yes No Assessor Comments Identified processes, machine, equipment, components and technologies covered by integration task. Established parameters were in line with the integration task. Identified the stakeholders to consulted during the project. Identified the critical times during the project when the input and advice should be obtained from them.

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