Reference no: EM133164067 , Length: word count:2000
INTE2043 Business IT - RMIT University
Business Report
The Business Report assignment is a group assignment
• This is a full business report aimed at your client. You are expected to follow the suggestions made during the parts of lectures which talk about writing a good business report.
• Use colour coding to indicate the various contributions of group members.
You need to find a solution for the business problem that the client in the case study has referred to you. You should:
• Identify the systems that the client needs.
• Research (usually online using a search engine) information systems products that will provide a solution to the client's needs.
» You need actual hardware and software products - not just vague statements about the type of information system needed.
» Make sure the systems you are going to recommend are supported in Australia.
» Find the price of the products.
• If they are Software as a Service products find the price per month
• If the products are to be installed on the client's equipment, find the purchase price and the cost of on-going maintenance and support.
» If the information systems you are recommending require the client to buy and install computer hardware and network hardware to support the operation of the information systems, find the cost of purchase and installation. You will need to be precise (that is recommend particular systems and makes and models of equipment) to give an estimate of the cost of your recommendations.
The recommendations must be written in the form of a report. You should refer to the work you did in ISYS2056 Business Information Systems (if you did this course) for guidance on report writing.
Your report should, as a minimum, have the following sections:
• Executive summary - one page outline for management to read quickly.
• Introduction - provides readers with the background necessary for them to understand the report.
• Body of the report - remember: ONE idea per paragraph - use headings to show major sections and make the report easy to read. (Don't EVER use the heading "Body".)
• Recommendations - actions that the client should take to implement the computing systems - in point form.
Sometimes, busy managers do not read the whole of reports given to them. They may only read the Executive Summary. So, the Executive Summary must tell the whole story of your report in only one page. At a minimum, the Summary should tell:
• about the recommendations
• an estimate of the total cost of implementing the recommendations (including cost of labour).
"Bronson's Logistics" has been, up to this year, a small two-truck transport business run by Charles Bronson. Charles has been looking for opportunities to expand the business and early this year an investor has taken a significant interest in the business. With the injection of capital, Charles is planning to acquire more trucks, initially another two but with more to come later. One of the conditions of the investment is that Charles must improve his information systems to be able to manage the increased business. At present paper-based accounting and transport operations systems have been used. Charles owns a computer at home but the business itself does not use one.
Charles's Logistics has moved to a small property in an industrial estate near the main transport corridors to the northern suburbs of Melbourne. The property consists of a small warehouse (in reality just a large shed) and a couple of rooms built next to the warehouse which will serve as an office. Charles anticipates having three desks operating in the office, but this number could grow as the company expands. Charles has engaged your services as a consultant to recommend the information systems that should be used by Bronson's Logistics. After initial conversations, you have
established the following high-level requirements:
» A Transport Operations System
» A Customer Relations Management System
» A Real-time Vehicle Tracking System
» An Accounting System.
These systems must have a low cost initially but be capable of expansion as the company grows. You need to consider the needs of the business across the various stakeholders and assets that are involved. These stakeholders can include and is not limited to:
» business customers;
» employees of the business that are performing the transportation function, office administration, financial aspects, maintenance of trucks, etc...; and
» business owner & investor. The business the various assets, how they are linked to the IT infrastructure and the role they play in the business IT infrastructure.
Your report must:
» describe the benefits that the client should expect to come from using the information systems
» must make recommendations about:
• information systems software and services
• network hardware and installation required to support the information systems (IT Infrastructure requirements for all aspects of the business specifications)
• computers and peripheral hardware and installation required to support the information systems
• systems and procedures needed to ensure security of the systems.
Look at the marking guide to make sure you have covered everything. You have covered a number of Business IT infrastructure topics during the semester. Utilise these topics and your own research to provide the business with a potential solution to support their IT infrastructure needs.
Attachment:- Business IT.rar