Reference no: EM133085768
The York Region Nursing Association (YRNA) was formed to provide needed home care nursing. York Region provides treatment and nursing care to recently discharged hospital patients and to other patients referred by local medical practitioners. York Region has contracted with the Provincial Ministry of Health to provide these services on an agreed fee basis.
YRNA is controlled by a board of directors. An administrator manages the operation and several office employees. Nurses and other health care professionals hired to fulfill York Region's mandate are on contract. They drive their own automobiles when patient home visits are required.
The leased premises consist of an office, a meeting room, and several consulting rooms where patients are seen and treated. An outdoor parking area is also leased.
The administrator is responsible for scheduling the nurses, within Bunny Hollow and for home visits. The office employees are responsible for record-keeping, billing, and payroll.
You have been asked to consider a liability insurance program for York Region Nursing Association.
(a) Identify 10 liability exposures faced by York Region Nursing Association, other than those related directly to medical professionals.
(b) Outline a proposed liability insurance program for York Region Nursing Association using coverages and extensions discussed in this course that apply.
(c) The liability insurance program you have suggested is now in place and the following incident has occurred: While en route to visit a patient, a nurse was involved in a serious automobile accident. She was at fault, but the third party limits under her automobile insurance policy were inadequate, and York Region Nursing Association was named in the law suit. Which coverage would apply in the insurance program you suggested? Explain in detail how and why the insuring agreement would or would not respond.