Reference no: EM131411013
(Research paper or Reviews)
The paper can take two forms --Research paper and review (s). The research paper has instructions under webliography and should be at least 1000 words for text and have 5 sources outside of the course. Encyclopedias and other references should not be used. The paper has two options. Option one (reviews) is as follows:
2 short reviews which can consist of two books or two websites or one of each. They should related to the topic of the class. Two 375-500 word reviews or more review instructions- each of the reviews (two pages) can be an article or book or website related to course content and should be as follows:
1. a report on its contents; 2, an analysis on whether the work or works (if you choose to compare two readings) achieved its goals or supported its points, 3. Your opinion as whether the article(s) or book or website had a bias or was too bland if relevant; 4. was the chosen work clear to the average reader or was it written for other experts (was it for a general or specialized audiences); 5. If relevant, were the sources up to date or outdated; 6. Was the work interesting or dry (well-written or not) to the reader; 7. Do you agree or disagree with the writer(s). Why or why not. 8. Do you find the work memorable (will it stand the test of time) or is it useful just for the moment or neither. 9. Was the work inspired (ie; makes a point that had not occurred to you) 10. Could you recommend this work (whole or in part) and to whom. I want the final project to be in your comfort zone! Since we are now using OER"s (learning resources), you can select any three websites that we use in class and indicate how these websites assisted you (or some cases did not) with your discussions, midterm, and final.
Option two
Research paper (option 2)
This is about 5 or double-spaced pages or more with standard 1-inch margins and 12 point standard font. Papers significantly shorter than this will be penalized. You need a title page and a references page; however the text itself should be at least 4 pages. Sources, Citations, and Other Information
Your paper should have a minimum of five outside sources. Assigned resources may be used (and should be used) but they do not count toward the minimum number of outside sources.
Encyclopedias and dictionaries are not appropriate sources for college level work. Wikipedia, Infoplease,, and other non-academic websites are not acceptable sources. (Bear in mind that anyone can submit an article to Wikipedia.) Personal websites and blogs are also not appropriate, unless the author has academic credentials. Online sources are fine - in fact, all of your sources can be online - but they must be authoritative sources.
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