Installation process between oracle 11g and oracle 10g

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13764735

Oracle was developed as a Client/Server database, although there is a mainframe version. Although the process is somewhat automated, the Oracle Enterprise Database is not your simple auto-run installation application. The truth is that there is some preconfiguration work of the OS system as well as some forethought about naming conventions and the like that really need to be done before the actual physical installation process begins.

For this lab, you will document what you find to be some of the major differences in the installation process between the current Oracle database version and the previous version, based on information you are pointed toward.

You will be using your textbook and the Internet as your major sources of reference. The textbook has information concerning the installation of Oracle10g. For the installation process of Oracle11g, you will need to use either the Internet, an outside source/publication, or both.


Step 1: Create a Comparison DocumentBack to Top

Within the comparison document you create, include key differences such as, but not limited to:

Any preconfiguration of the Operating System.

Memory configuration consideration (both physical and logical).

Naming conventions of the Global Database or System Identifier (SID).

Online input screens within the Oracle Installer.

Processes that run during the installation (i.e., port assignments, directories defined, etc.).

Password configurations or assignments.

Web Services created (is there one?).

Any postconfiguration of the Operating System.

Create a document that will compare the installation process between Oracle 11g and Oracle 10g. Your submission document can be in the form of a MS Word document or a MS Excel spreadsheet. As long as you can adequately present your findings, the format is variable

Reference no: EM13764735

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