Initialize elements of array with even integers

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1361967

Answer each of the following. Assume that unsigned int are stored in 2 bytes (i.e., each object of this type will require two memory locations), and that the starting address of the array is at location 1002500 in memory;
declare an array called values of type unsigned int with 5 elements. Initialize the elements of the array with the even integers from 2 to 10.

Declare a variable named vptr of type pointer to unsigned int print the lements of values using the standard array indexing notation. Use a for loop and assume that an integer variable i has been declared give two separate statements that assign the starting address of the array values to the pointer variable vptr print the elements of the array using the pointer/pointer arithmetic notation print the elements of the array by indexing the pointer vptr (i.e., use vptr as the name of the array) refer to the fifth element of the array using array indexing and pointer arithmetic notation what is the address vptr+3 ? What is the value stored in that location? Assume vptr points to the values[4]. What address is vptr - 4? What value is stored in that location?

Reference no: EM1361967

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