Initial price of a swaption that matures at time

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM131213869

1) Compute the initial value of a forward-starting swap that begins att=1, with maturityt=10and a fixed rate of 4.5%. (The first payment then takes place att=2and the final payment takes place at t=11 as we are assuming, as usual, that payments take place in arrears.) You should assume a swap notional of 1 million and assume that you receive floating and pay fixed.)

2) Compute the initial price of a swaption that matures at time t=5 and has a strike of 0. The underlying swap is the same swap as described in the previous question with a notional of 1 million. To be clear, you should assume that if the swaption is exercised at t=5 then the owner of the swaption will receive all cash-flows from the underlying swap from times t=6 to t=11 inclusive. (The swaption strike of 0 should also not be confused with the fixed rate of 4.5% on the underlying swap.)

Reference no: EM131213869

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