Initial orientation for expatriates includes

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Reference no: EM1332938

Human Resource Management - sample questions

Can you help me understand these questions?

1 Employers can appeal citations, proposed penalties, and corrections they have been ordered to make through multiple levels of the agency, culminating with the:
a) Supreme Court.

b) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

c) Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.

d) Safety and Health Workers' Compensation Review Board.

2. There is a substantial and growing body of research evidence showing a strong connection between how firms __________ and the economic results they achieve.
a) select board members

b) educate their management staff

c) manage their people

d) diversify their product line

3. The first step in the workforce planning process is:
a) operational planning.

b) forecasting requirements.

c) issues analysis.

d) action plans.

4. Mature organizations emphasize:
a) fighting for market share.

b) building excellence in their management teams.

c) holding market share in a declining market.

d) more rigid management controls over workers' actions.

5. Initial orientation for expatriates includes:
a) cultural briefing.

b) orientation to the job.

c) orientation toward the work unit.

d) introduction to the languages.

Reference no: EM1332938

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Initial orientation for expatriates includes : Human Resource Management - sample questions - Can you help me understand these questions?
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