Inheritance and polymorphism

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131591782

Inheritance and Polymorphism

publicclass Employee {

private String name;
private String department;

public Employee(String p_name,Stringp_dept, doublep_hourlyRate)
name = p_name;
department = p_dept;
hourlyRate= p_hourlyRate;

publicvoidsetDepartment(String p_dept)
department = p_dept;
hourlyRate = p_rate;

public String getNameAndDepartment()
return "Name:" + name + "\nDepartment:" + department;
if(p_numberOfHoursWorked< 40)
returnp_numberOfHoursWorked * hourlyRate;
return 40 * hourlyRate;



extends Employee
privatedouble dues;

publicUnionEmployee(String p_name,Stringp_dept, doublep_hourlyRate,doublep_dues)

dues = p_dues;

dues = p_dues;

doubleweeklyPay = 0;
if(p_hoursWorked> 40)
weeklyPay = super.WeeklyPay(40);
weeklyPay = weeklyPay + (1.5 * (p_hoursWorked - 40)) - dues;
weeklyPay = super.WeeklyPay(p_hoursWorked);





extends Employee

publicCommissionedEmployee(String p_name,Stringp_dept, doublep_hourlyRate,doublep_commissionRate)
commissionRate = p_commissionRate;
salesAmount = 0;

commissionRate = p_commissionRate;

salesAmount = p_salesAmount;

doubleweeklyPay = super.WeeklyPay(p_numberOfHoursWorked);

weeklyPay = weeklyPay + (commissionRate * salesAmount);



publicclassTestClass {

* @paramargs
publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

UnionEmployeeu_Emp = newUnionEmployee("UnionEmp1", "UnionDept1", 100, 50);
CommissionedEmployeec_Emp = newCommissionedEmployee("CommissionEmp2", "Commission Dept2", 100, 50.4);
System.out.println("Displaying Union Employee");

System.out.println("Displaying Commissioned Employee");


publicstaticvoid display(Employee p_emp, intp_numberOfHours)
System.out.println("Number of Hours:" + p_numberOfHours);
System.out.println("Weekly Pay:" +p_emp.WeeklyPay(p_numberOfHours));


Reference no: EM131591782

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