Reference no: EM132383027
INFS 5093 Business Systems Analysis Assignment - Systems Analysis - University of South Australia, Australia
Introduction - This document extends the instructions on the course website. Read the instructions on the course website in addition to this document.
This assessment consists of
- A case study which requires you to apply your learning from the systems planning module.
- An analysis of professional ethics which requires you to consider the ACS Code of Ethics and the ACS Code of Professional Conduct, and to apply one of the readings provided on the course website.
- A conceptual development section which requires you to consider how systems planning tasks impact on a systems development project.
- A section to construct your awareness of your learning outcomes: A peer review for students who are working in teams. A learning reflection for students who are working alone.
The feedback sheet lists the assessment criteria. Look for it on the assessment's webpage. Take note of which sections carry the most marks.
Note that this document's word count is 3196 without any answers, so
- Don't worry if the final word count seems high.
- Also, there are some diagrams in this assessment so don't worry if the final word count seems low.
- Finally, this means every submission will have 3196 words exactly the same. Therefore, the similarity score generated by Turnitin may seem high. If you kept to high standards of academic integrity when preparing your answers, there will be no need for concern.
Draw the diagrams by hand, take a photo, and insert the photographs in this file. If you prefer, you can use Word's drawing tools (or some other drawing or modelling software) but you may find working with pen and paper is faster, easier to amend, less cumbersome, and more reliable with respect to layout.
When referring to the exemplars on the course website, read the old assessment specifications carefully because the assessments differ every study period.
Instructions - Are you completing this assessment in a team? Have you told us who your team mates are? If not, you need to do so because
- We cannot to set up your team on SparkPLUS without that information.
- Your team is required to use SparkPLUS at the end of this assessment.
- We do NOT give extensions to teams who have failed to complete this simple task in a timely manner.
In the previous study period, students spent an average of 30 hours on this assessment.
- Pace your work accordingly.
- For best results - Do not attempt to complete the whole assessment in one session. Work slowly and carefully.
In addition to the instructions on the course website
- Do not overlook the 'Why?' questions.
- Read the case study carefully.
- Keep track of the hours you spend.
Make assumptions where necessary. Scope for assumptions has been deliberately included in this assessment because it is often necessary to make assumptions openly when dealing with a client who is under-informed with respect to information systems. Label assumptions clearly. Here's an example from a previous study period,
Assumption: As the passengers of Titanic II may be from any nation, we have assumed a currency converter is required for the ticket-purchasing function.
Case study: Snacks Now
1. Prepare for this meeting. Write an agenda that includes six topics you would like to discuss with the Dionne and John (if you do not know what an agenda is, look it up on the internet). These topics should provide them with an opportunity to discuss data and processing in depth.
After this meeting, the following requirements are known:
- The information you provided in the systems planning documents is confirmed, except where it conflicts with the following.
- When an order is placed, the junior manager will gather items from shelves in the supermarket, scan them and package them for delivery.
- When all the items are packaged, the junior manager will close the 'packaging' business process for the order; an alert and delivery address will be automatically sent to the driver's mobile device.
- When items are scanned, the supermarket's inventory database is updated and the transaction is placed in the Snacks Now accounting system (it is not considered a transaction of the supermarket).
- As the supermarket carries thousands of different products, and as the local fast food outlets also have specific ranges of products, the website and mobile app will have nested menus.
- When a supermarket product is out of stock, it must not be displayed in the menus. For example, when a hurricane destroys the banana crop in Queensland.
- The menus are updated dynamically in response to changes in the inventory.
- Daily, weekly and monthly transaction reports are required.
- Data analytics on the website and the mobile app are required.
- A customer database will maintain customer details, transaction history, loyalty and social points.
- In compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles, it will be possible for customers to opt out of storing any data that identifies them as individuals.
- As yet, no decision has been made regarding the most effective way to present the items offered by local fast food outlets; suggestions are welcome.
- Also, a final decision on which accounting software will be used for Snacks Now has not yet been made, but Dionne and John have expressed a preference for buying a second license for the accounting system they are already using for the supermarket.
You make a start on systems analysis. It is clear that system response times are important. It is also clear that interfacing with the supermarket's existing inventory database is important. However, you also realise more detailed information will come to light over time, which may require you to amend your current analysis.
2. What is the purpose of a full set of data flow diagrams?
3. Do data flow diagrams show system logic and decision points? Explain.
4. Why is it important for a systems analyst to understand how data flows through an information system?
5. Draw a context diagram for the Snacks Now information system.
6. With respect to DFDs, what does 'balanced' mean?
7. Draw two Level 1 DFDs for the new information system.
8. Write your top five tips for how to read a set of DFDs.
9. Name the data stores in the new information system.
10. Draw a FDD for the new information system.
11. Identify and name four functional primitives in the new information system.
12. Draw a modular design for two of the functional primitives named in your previous answer.
13. Draw a decision tree for the other two functional primitives.
14. Explain how you will make the build or buy decisions for the new information system.
15. You prepare a systems requirements document for Dionne and John. What sections will you include?
16. For which components of the new information system will you recommend prototyping? Why?
17. Stage 1, perception. Identify all ethical problems suggested by the scenario above.
18. Stage 2, discernment. Which of the ethical problems is the most significant? Why?
19. Stage 3, resolution. Articulate your resolve with respect to the most significant ethical problem.
20. Stage 4, assessment. Are you qualified to act in accordance with your resolve or do you need to seek the advice of an independent expert? Why?
21. Stage 5, decision. What are your professional duties in this situation? Why?
22. Stage 6, action. Have stages 1-5 enabled you to form a commitment to action? Why?
23. With respect to the systems analysis tasks your team completed above, identify problems that may arise for the following stakeholders. The answer should have six unique problems (two per stakeholder).
Hint: choose one of the tasks from above, eg, the diagram of the constraints. What problems arise if the constraints diagram is incomplete? Then choose another task, etc.
a. Snacks Now
b. Snacks Now's customers or the wider community
c. Your own future work tasks (systems analysis tasks)
Select two of the problems from question 23.
24. With reference to these two problems, what are your conclusions about the importance of attention to detail with respect to systems analysis?
Note: the systems design assessment will ask you to reflect on the answer you give.
Recall the systems planning assessment asked you to draw some conclusions about the importance of attention to detail during systems planning activities. In this assignment, you are thinking about and demonstrating systems analysis.
25. Read and think about your answer to question 25 of the Systems Planning assessment. Compare it to your answer to question 25 above. Identify and discuss two important differences in your answers. Note: this question does not ask you to compare systems planning and systems analysis. Instead, it asks you to compare what you think about these two topics.
26. Everyone in your team must visit SparkPLUS and review their peers. When reviewing peers, tell them three things they did well and three things they can improve.
27. Name two learning outcomes.
Note: although the Course Objectives on the Course Outline can be informative, please consider your personal learning experience. As you have a unique history, you will have unique learning outcomes; that is, someone who knew a lot about defining a project's scope before starting this course cannot identify it as a learning outcome from this assignment; they will identify some other learning outcome.
28. For each of your learning outcomes, name one relevant UniSA Graduate Quality.
Example: "As noted above, my first learning outcome is _____________. This learning outcome correlates to _____________. My second learning outcome is _____________. This learning outcomes correlates to _____________."
29. In your previous answer, you correlated two learning outcomes to two Graduate Qualities. Focusing on these two Graduate Qualities, and addressing each one separately, explain how this assignment's tasks enabled you to further develop these qualities.
Attachment:- Business Systems Analysis Assignment File.rar