Reference no: EM132815607
Informative Speech Delivery and Self-Review
In this assignment, you will record the informative speech you outlined last week and submit a self-review.
Record your speech.
Use the Recording a Video instructions.
Refer to your outline or speaking notes to deliver a 2-3 minute speech.
Do not read your notes word for word.
After you have recorded your speech, watch the recording and complete the self-review with an eye on improvement and track your progress.
Use the Informative Speech Self-Review Questionnaire [DOCX] for this portion of the assignment.
Submit your assignment.
Use the Submit Speech Assignment instructions.
Your speech will be graded on the following criteria:
Introduction. Gain your audience's attention and interest and preview the main points.
Research. Cite at least two credible sources and support the main points.
Conclusion. Reinforce your central idea and finish with a strong closing.
Speech organization. Organize ideas with logical structure.
Technology use (online), speech clarity, and visual quality. Use technology effectively so that audio and visual quality are clear and consistent.
Time requirement. Be sure the speech meets the 2-3 minute time requirement.
Delivery. Deliver the speech with strong eye contact, an expressive voice, and good nonverbal communication (including gestures or other physical movements).
Overall effectiveness. Be sure your speech is effective by connecting well with the audience and be sure you have achieved its purpose.
Submit a well-developed self-review.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Complete a speech that meets visual, content, and delivery requirements.
need 350 words + references.