Information security and mitigations

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Reference no: EM133140039


The protection of organizational and consumer data is an ever-evolving challenge for any business that maintains or handles such information. Responsibilities to protect data are inherent in all job roles and is a necessary requirement for the perseverance and livelihood of all organizations.Select and conduct a case analysis on the Yahoo breach mentioned in the article "Five of the Biggest Data Breaches Ever."After you've selected your case and reviewed the information, write a 3-5 page paper in which you:

Identify and describe the data breach incident and the method used by the perpetrator to launch the attack (data breach).

Provide details on the time frame of the attack. Specifically, detail when it started, when it was discovered by the organization, and when it was mitigated.

Analyze how the data breach could have been prevented with the proper security controls in place.

Identify the mitigations that the organization put in place to prevent a recurrence of the attack.

Reference no: EM133140039

Questions Cloud

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