Information security analysts research

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133187907

The research must deal with content from the course. Write this according to the grading rubric provided. The following link is great about how to write a research paper. That said, a few tips: Do not use "I" in a research paper. Your project is about your research, not you. Do not state opinions or try to "fix" something. Simply, tell the reader what the research says, and answer the question "So what?"--what conclusion should your audience draw, based on your research?

How does the occupation fit your skills and interests?

What will you be doing in the occupation?

What is the necessary education and/or training?

How many jobs are there in the occupation currently?

Is the occupation projected to grow, decline, or remain unchanged? Why?

How much does this occupation pay? What do the top 10 percent earn? The bottom 10 percent?

Traits and Characteristics a leader in this occupation must have

Leadership Behaviors, Attitudes, and Styles a leader in this occupation must have

How does Charismatic and Transformational Leadership play a role in this occupation?

Find someone with a job in the occupation you are interested in, and interview him or her. You should find out:

what kind of work the person does

what the person likes and dislikes about the job

what advice the person would give to someone interested in a career in this field.

After your research assess whether you would pursue a career in the selected occupation.

Reference no: EM133187907

Questions Cloud

What are reasons for decision rule conflict : Do you think that there is any problem arising from the decision rule conflict? If so, what are the reasons for decision rule conflict?
Researching current issues in leadership and management : Which focuses on change that is relevant to you as a professional, you are researching current issues in leadership and management
Describe leadership trait theory : Describe leadership trait theory, and explain its inconclusive findings. Explain the importance of identifying these traits.
Mandatory pre-suit mediation is controversial topic : As we discussed in class, mandatory pre-suit mediation is a controversial topic. It can be effective BUT it might also just delay justice.
Information security analysts research : How does the occupation fit your skills and interests? How many jobs are there in the occupation currently? what the person likes and dislikes about the job
Techniques for maintaining participant interest in training : Research to identify techniques for maintaining participant interest in training.
Goal setting influence your attitude and motivation : What is your experience with goals? How does goal setting influence your attitude and motivation?
Multi-generational and multi-cultural nature of department : What recommendations would you make in order to resolve this conflict given the multi-generational and multi-cultural nature of the department?
Decide on their new hris system : What decision-making process should HR managers employ to come up with the best way forward to decide on their new HRIS system? Why?


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