Information mobilization and deployment

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM1323801

Information networks as "enterprise glue": information mobilization and deployment

"To what degree should organizations depend on the analysis of large databases and other IT resources to formulate basic strategy?"

The core of the case for this module involves your careful assessment of the sources of strategic enterprise information. But before you're ready to tackle it, you need to get somewhat up to speed on the underlying issues and dynamics.

Now, one of the hottest trends in current enterprise information systems is what's often referred to as "big data" -- that is, giant databases of stuff gathered from customers (e.g., all the information about your supermarket purchases automatically entered each time you swipe your Von's or Safeway card through the checkout to get all those cool discounts), websurfing, suppliers, internal monitoring, etc. Big Data was first enabled through the enormous increases in the availability of low-cost data storage (down to $30 per terabyte at Fry's Electronics, as of today's paper), but it took the development of good data analytic tools to really spark the trend. Here are two interesting summaries of issues involved in Big Data at the moment

Reference no: EM1323801

Questions Cloud

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Information mobilization and deployment : Information networks as "enterprise glue": information mobilization and deployment - To what degree should organizations depend on the analysis of large databases and other IT resources to formulate basic strategy?
Explain business models : Explain Business Models and Define and identify various business models and then compare and contrast companies that utilize different business models
Describing entrepreneurial culture : An entrepreneurial culture is one in which search for venture opportunities permeates every part of the organization.
Dopamine pathways and potential side effects : Descriobe the dopamine pathways and their potential side effects.
Explain what are security policies or e-policies : Information Security and Ethics: Protection Policies and Procedures - Explain What are security policies or e-policies? Explain three security policies that you would primarily recommend to an organization to have as a minimum and why? How security..


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