Infographic that differentiates between databases

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133416129


You are the HIM Director at LiveWell Hospital. Known for your expertise in healthcare data and systems, the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) has asked you to present at the next national conference on the topic of managing data in healthcare. You have an hour to present, and you want to make sure your audience of Health Information Professionals receives valuable educational materials.


After pondering over the types of educational materials best suited for your presentation, you decide to create the following to distribute to your audience:

  1. An infographic that differentiates between databases, data dictionaries, data warehouses, and data mining.
  2. A fact sheet as an educational resource on the methods to manage the creation, use, storage, revision, and exchange of data in an EHR.
  3. A chart or table that compares the Directed, Query-Based, and Consumer-Mediated Health Information Exchange models.

Reference no: EM133416129

Questions Cloud

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