ID # Name |
Need / Deliverable Details |
Senior BA Guidance on Phase 2 Team Deliverables |
Your Senior BA has done some preliminary scoping for you. Below is a list of deliverables, at minimum, that your team must deliver in report(s) and briefing(s). |
61 As-Is Components, Purchase Orders and Costs - Data |
Your team shall provide an Excel workbook with a clearly labelled sheet that holds the As-Is data for all components required to build either TrackR A, B or C. This data must be linked back to the purchase orders source. This data must also show the current storage location of all components. |
62 As-Is Components, Purchase Orders and Costs - Min & Max |
Your team shall provide the As-Is data for all components in # 61 with both Minimum and Maximum unit costs. |
63 As-Is Components, Purchase Orders and Costs - Data and Schedule |
Your team shall provide an Excel workbook with a clearly labelled sheet that holds the As-Is data for 3 persons at each of 3 tables doing picking and assembly over 8 hours, in 5 minute intervals. Each person must have a 10 minute break every hour, and a 30 minute break somewhere in hours 4 and 5. This breaktime shall be called "Stand By". |
64 As-Is Components, Purchase Orders and Costs - Data and Schedule |
You team shall provide Excel calculations for the worksheet of #63 that counts, for each of 9 persons, their total of time intervals spent in either picking, assembly or standby. Then calculations must be provided that show the percentage of time in the 8 hours that each person is busy. Busy means "not on Stand by". |
65 As-Is Components Picking - Spaghetti Diagram |
Your team shall provide an Visio diagram on a separate sheet within the Factory Floor Visio file that shows the path that one person would follow to pick one of each component needed for a TRackR A assembly. |
66 As-Is omponents Picking -Spaghetti Diagram Labels and Notes |
Your team shall provide on the #65 Visio diagram labels on each storage shelf, that is visited, of the component that is kept on that shelf. Also, notes shall be put on the diagram to describe where the data came from for these notes. |
67 As-Is Components Picking - Data on Places and Distances, Min and Max Picking Times |
Your team shall provide an Excel workbook with a clearly labelled sheet that holds the As-Is data for the start, shelf visits and stops positions from #65. Moving and Picking must be on different rows. Standard amounts of min and max picking times must be in cells above all this data, properly labelled, and then echoed to all picking rows in "Time" |
68 As-Is Components Picking - Min and Max Moving Times |
Standard values of min and max walking speeds must be in cells above all this data, properly labelled, and then used in all moving rows in "Time" columns to calculate the min and max time taken to move from one place to another. Totals of these times shall also be calculated. |
69 As-Is Components Assembly - Data on Assembly Actions, Components, Tests, Failure Rates and Movements |
Your team shall provide an Excel workbook with a clearly labelled sheet that holds the As-Is data for TrackR Assembly Actions, Components, Tests, Failure Rates and Movements. Each assembly action must be in a separate Excel sheet row. Actions in response to failed tests must also be provided. |
71 As-Is Components Assembly -Labour Costs |
Above the rows from #69 and 70 must be standard values for the min and max labour rate per hour. Then, for each action, those min and max labour rates must be used to calculate min and max labour costs. Running and Grand totals must be calculated for these labour costs. |
72 As-Is Components Assembly -Component Costs and Totals (Running and Grand) |
For each action involving the first use of a component in #69, Excel formulas must retrieve the min and max costs of that component item from the Component Costs sheet. Running and Grand Totals for component costs and labour costs must be calculated. |
73 As-Is Components Assembly -Labour and Component Costs and Totals (Running and Grand) for Responses to Test Fails |
For each action involving a test, the labour times and costs and component costs for the response to that failure must be echoed onto the Excel row. Then, Running and Grand Totals for the costs of Normal Assembly plus Response to Failure Assembly must be created. |
74 As-Is Components Assembly -Movements |
When tests fail, assembly worker movement must happen. This sheet shall have rows in it of data regarding the worker movements, including distances. There shall also be calculations, using walking speeds from the Picking Data, of the min and max times for the movements. |
75 As-Is History of TrackR production - Data and Summary |
Your team shall provide an Excel workbook with one clearly labelled sheet that holds data on TrackR A, B and C production for Oct 1, 2018 thru March 31st, 2019. A summary, either on this sheet or another, must calculate the average daily production of TrackR A, B and C. |
76 As-Is History of TrackR production - WholeSale Prices |
Your team shall provide an Excel workbook with one clearly labelled sheet that holds data on TrackR A, B and C wholesale prices for 2017 2nd Quarter. |
76 As-Is Workbook Documentation |
Your team shall provide an Excel workbook with one clearly labelled sheet that describes all the other sheets in the workbook, the authors of the sheets and the workbook, the document history of the sheets and workbook, and any other relevant documentation. Assumptions must be clearly identified and described. |
77 As-Is Profit and Loss Model (P&L) -Data |
Your team shall provide an Excel workbook with one clearly labelled sheet that holds, at minimum, the As-Is data for Min and Max Picking times, Min and max assembly times, Min and Max Marketing Costs, Min and Max Component costs for TrackR's A, B and C, Min and Max Labour Rates for Direct Labour, Factory Costs for every hour of a working day, Labour Rates and Counts of Persons for Indirect Labour |
78 As-Is Profit and Loss Model (P&L) -Calculations |
In your team's As-Is P&L Model, there must be calculations for, at minimum, total of good TrackR's produced, total component costs, total labour costs, total factory costs, total income from TRackR's produced, profit and loss for one day, a 5 day week, and a 20 day month. |
79 As-Is Profit and Loss Model (P&L) -income Calculations |
In your team's As-Is P&L Model, there must be calculations for the income of the average day's production of TrackR A, B and C using the whole sales prices from #76 |