Influence of culture on the client perception of drug

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Reference no: EM1353574

It has been recognized information regarding the influence of culture on the client's perception of drug use is vital; it helps in assessing whether a client meets the criteria for a disorder related to substance abuse. A therapist can use this information to evaluate the client's severity of drug use and abuse. If the client indulges in substance use and abuse regularly, it can be concluded that he or she suffers from a disorder related to substance abuse."

Suppose you have a 32 year-old male client who reports using marijuana on a daily basis. He states that if he does not use marijuana, he finds it difficult to relax, and he becomes very irritable and aggressive. He describes daily use of marijuana as common among other members of his peer group. He is unable to keep a job as he is usually fired for being late or not showing up to work. He admits to breaking into cars in order to support his habit.

Would your assessment and diagnosis change if the client is White, living in rural Missouri? Latino, living in Houston? Black, living in Washington, DC? Asian, living in Santa Barbara? Explain why?

Reference no: EM1353574

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