Inflammation of the prostate or urethra

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132604797

What is a good discussion response to the information below about Sexual Disorders?

Premature ejaculation is the inability to delay orgasm, usually happening within one min of penetration. Orgasmic disorder also known as Anorgasmia is a condition in which a woman has difficulty reaching orgasm, even if the women is fully aroused and sexually stimulated.

Anorgasmia can be caused by a series of psychological causes such as older age, diabetes, shyness, history of sexual abuse, stress, poor self esteem, and depression and anxiety. Compared to premature ejaculation which has psychological causes but more importantly it has biological causes such as abnormal hormones, abnormal levels of neurotransmitters, inherited traits, and inflammation of the prostate or urethra.

Reference no: EM132604797

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Inflammation of the prostate or urethra : Anorgasmia can be caused by a series of psychological causes such as older age, diabetes, shyness, history of sexual abuse
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