Infant psychosocial development

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Reference no: EM131671827

Infant Psychosocial Development: (Background Information)

The third section of Chapter 4 is dedicated to differing theoretical perspectives on how an infant develops a social personality. It describes the psychoanalytic theories of Freud and Erikson along with the behaviorist, and the cognitive perspective, which help us understand how the infant's emotional and behavioral responses begin to take on the various patterns that form personality.  In the traditional view of personality development, the infant was a passive recipient of the personality created almost entirely by the parents' influence.  Other theories make it clear that many personality traits are present at birth, before parental influence is felt.  This section also explores the impact of day care on infants which we will address in another assignment.

One aspect according to many cognitive theorists emphasizes that early childhood experiences help infants develop a WORKING MODEL, which is a set of assumptions that the individual (the infant in this case) uses to create a frame of reference for things later in life.  It is how they organize their perceptions and experiences into a mental framework.  It is a "model" because early relationships and experiences create a prototype or blueprint of what it may look like. It is also termed "working" because it is always a work-in-progress and not fixed or final. It can be changed by later experiences. (pg 153)

LET ME GIVE AN EXAMPLE, but not necessarily tied to INFANCY so that you get a better idea.

For example: Based on your experiences growing up, you have a "working model" of what dinner time means... this is based on your experiences at your house. Lets pretend that you grew up in a home that was relatively quiet, and dinner time was basically the same throughout the week.  You had the same routine; meaning you sat down at about the same time every night, everyone had their own tasks to help with things like setting the table, getting drinks, utensils, maybe said a prayer, served out the food, and you talked about your day as you ate and for the most part things went relatively smooth.  After dinner each person played their part in what they did with the help cleaning up, dishes, etc.  You had a routine and that is what it was.  This is YOUR WORKING MODEL for what dinner time is...

NOW, lets say you remember going over to a friends house to have dinner... and it was nothing like your experiences that you have at home.  Its loud... as people are talking over one another (not yelling or nasty by any means, but there are multiple conversations going on, lots of laughing), There is no set time for when to sit down... its just that the family members are coming and going as they please, serving themselves, it seems very disorganized, no one helps out, etc... its just a very different experience.  And then when you get home you tell your family about your experience when you get home.

Believe me, the situation can be just the opposite too... have the second scenario might be your WORKING MODEL and the first scenario would seem just as strange.  Believe me... this happens a lot!!!  Especially when you meet someone for the first time and you are getting to know them.  Even reflect on meeting your significant other or a past relationship.

Cognitive Theory:  (Your Assignment)

Assignment: Write an essay (minimum 1 page, double spaced, 10-12 point font) giving TWO different examples of a "working model" of something that you held on to, or something you believed growing up.  Then describe a time when you experienced some situation that did not fit that working model.  Dedicate a specific paragraph for each of the TWO examples. In each paragraph, address the following points.

A) Describe your working model.  Be as specific as possible. (remember, I do not know you, so you cannot assume I know what you are talking about or how it was in your family.)

B) Tell a time when you experienced something different than your working model.  What happened?

C) How did you feel during and after your experience?

Reference no: EM131671827

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