Ineffective assistance of counsel prosecutorial misconduct

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Reference no: EM133371948

Case study

Marilyn Mulero You will look at this from the perspective of a prosecutor or defense attorney. You will have to plead your case and make arguments to back up your reasoning. When I break you up into groups, I will assign you a perspective to look at this from: political, social, individual, etc. Use what you have learned about ethics so far to help you think through and justify your decision/argument. On May 12, 1992, two members of the Latin Kings were shot and killed in a Humboldt Park bathroom. At 9:00 p.m. the next evening, Chicago police arrested Marilyn Mulero and Jackie Montanez, took the women to Humboldt Park, and interrogated them about the murders. The officers displayed Marilyn and Montanez to Latin King members, which associated the women with the crimes. After being displayed, detectives separately interviewed the women. Police questioned Marilyn alone for about nine hours. After the questioning, Marilyn signed a prepared statement, which implicated her for both murders. Marilyn's attorney, Jeremiah Lynch, entered a blind plea of guilty leading to Mulero's death sentence. Lynch did not interview any witnesses or police officers. Marilyn maintained her innocence. Shortly after a court sentenced Marilyn to death. The prosecution's key witness, Jackie Serrano, claimed she witnessed the murders through her apartment window. Serrano saw three women and two men in the park from her apartment. Serrano saw the taller woman enter the bathroom with a man and heard a firecracker sound. Serrano saw the tallest woman leave the bathroom, without the man, and saw the shorter woman shoot the other man in the back of his head.

Discuss the following: Her interrogation, Her plea, Eyewitness identification, Ineffective assistance of counsel Prosecutorial misconduct. For example, you will be defense counsel representing Mulero and her innocence, stating that mistakes were made in the first case OR you will be a prosecutor defending the original case and stating that there were no mistakes.

Reference no: EM133371948

Questions Cloud

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Explain how the use of forensic investigative techniques : Explain how the use of forensic investigative techniques enables both prosecutors and defense attorneys to recognize
Ineffective assistance of counsel prosecutorial misconduct : Her interrogation, Her plea, Eyewitness identification, Ineffective assistance of counsel Prosecutorial misconduct.
What impact do you think this might have had on new yorkers : What is the most dramatic change that you notice and what impact do you think this might have had on New Yorkers?
Thinking from perspective of program evaluator : thinking from the perspective of a PROGRAM EVALUATOR, what are the key issues facing you and your fellow program evaluators
Deductive reasoning is used in crime scene investigations : Explain how deductive reasoning is used in crime scene investigations. Describe the skills and mindset needed to apply deductive reasoning.
Should a legislator employ to successful passage of bill : Considering that the time frame for a bill to become a law is short in the 140 day legislative session.


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