Industry environment is significantly different

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM138908

Q. A decade ago, five firms supplied amateur color film in the United States: Kodak, Fuji, Konica, Agfa, and 3M. From a technical viewpoint, there was little difference in the quality of color film produced by these firms, yet Kodak's market share was 67 percent. The own price elasticity of demand for Kodak film was -2.0 and the market elasticity of demand was -1.75. Suppose that in the 1990s, the average retail price of a roll of Kodak film was $6.95 and that Kodak's marginal cost was $3.475 per roll. Based on this information, discuss industry concentration, demand and market conditions, and the pricing behavior of Kodak in the 1990s. Do you think the industry environment is significantly different today? Explain.

Reference no: EM138908

Questions Cloud

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