Reference no: EM132302912
Create a plan to coach this client based on the case/feedback. Consider the following:
Reflect on an individual transition you made using the concepts of ending, neutral zone, and new beginning (some ideas: a job change, moving to a new city, changing schools, or a personal challenge like weight loss or quitting smoking). What did it feel like to end the old ways, experience the neutral zone, or start the new beginning? Did you experience some of the common feelings of personal transition reviewed in Chapter 10?
Based on your own experience of change, how might your client be approaching her own change? What do you think might be difficult for her as she ends her own change? What do you think might be difficult for her as she ends old preferred patterns and tries new ones?
What questions might you use to help Yelena understand what to focus on next?
You have agreed to coach Yelena, a hospital operations director, who would like to improve her leadership skills. She recently participated in a 360 feedback assessment where she received feedback from her manager, her peers, and the employees she supervises. She has contacted you to help her specifically in her relationships with her direct team. Some of the comments from her team include the following:
"I worry that Yelena takes on too much on her own. We are here to help her and support her, and sometimes she seems to take on a lot of the burdens of our department without our assistance. I think we have a lot to offer and I would like to take on more responsibility."
"Yelena is great about communicating with us. We have a weekly staff meeting where she shares everything that's going on, we have a quick review of each of our projects, and she listens to our input. Even in the middle of thew eek if something comes up she will send us all an e-mail to keep us informed."
Business Knowledge
"Yelena knows more about health care than anyone I know. She is up to date on all of the regulations, many of which are quite complex."
Performance Feedback and Giving Direction
"The one opportunity for improvement I see is that I would like to get more directs feedback from her on how I'm doing. We have an annual performance evaluation process, but that seems to be the only feedback I get from her. I also think there is an opportunity for her to be more directive with su and state her expectations of us more clearly."