Reference no: EM133675900
Briefly introduce fall prevention in older adults. Outline the purpose for your paper Provide a one sentence overview of how you will present your discussion (thesis statement).
Getting Information
Using epidemiological data and with support from the literature, provide a brief description of why the health issue is a concern to the population and how it impacts the achievement of health. Links to the Simcoe Muskoka must be evident.
Making Meaning
Using an intersectionality lens, describe the influence of three determinants of health on your topic and population. Use scholarly literature to support the impact that these SDOH have on your population.
Determining and Taking Actions
Identify and describe one evidence-based nursing intervention that targets the individual level of the Social Ecological Model. Identify one barrier in achieving health related to your proposed intervention for your selected health issue and population and then suggest one equity focused strategy to overcome this barrier, and the role of the nurse in this regard.
Evaluating Outcomes
Identify one measurable evaluation outcome that could be used to determine progress in improving health for your selected population and health issue. Support with at least one scholarly source.
Provide at least one specific example of how the learning from this paper can be incorporated into your nursing practice (reflect personally using personal pronouns). Restate thesis statement and summarize the key points presented in your paper.