Indian intellectuals advocating for indian autonomy

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Reference no: EM133535458

The movement for Indian independence from the British Empire began in the ate 19th century with Indian intellectuals advocating for Indian autonomy and was initially based on a shared cultural identity, history, and set of values. This was expressed in the phrase "Swaraj", or self-rule, and was embraced by nationalists in pursuit of independence. To further this cause, the Indian National Congress (INC) was founded in 1885, uniting a variety of different groups from India and forming the first unified political platform.

Other organizations such as the Indian Muslim League, founded in 1906 by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, fought for the rights of Muslims. The INC and the Muslim League joined forces in 1916 to form the Lucknow Pact, further solidifying the independence movement. In 1920, Mohandas Gandhi began the Noncooperation Campaign, calling for a boycott of British goods and nstitutions.

This led to the Quit India Movement of 1942, led by Mohandas Gandhi, which demanded an end to British rule. This campaign was a major contributor to India's eventual independence on August 15th, 1947. (WGU,

Reference no: EM133535458

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