Independence of attributes

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM1313892

A variety of dental procedure including restorations and tootir extractions. People were given eithrer the electrcal stimulation or simply had the inactive device attached as though it were being used (a placebo control). Neither the dentist nor the patient knew whether or not the neural modulator was tuned on. Do the following dala suggest that high-@uency neural modulation is an effective analgesic? Usc both 12 and z statistics. Adolescent suicide is commonly acsociated with alcohol misuse. In a retrospectives tudy involving Finish adolescentsw ho committed suicide, Sami Pirkola and colleagues ('Alcohol-Related hoblems Among Adolescents uicidesi n Finland,"A lcoholA lcohol.34:320-328, 1999)c ompared situational faclors and family background between victims who abused alcohol and thosc who did not, Alcohol use was determined by family interview several months following the suicide. Adolesccnts with alcohol problems, ranging from mild to severe, were classified together in a group called SDAM (Subthreshold or Diagnosable Alcohol Misuse) and compared to victims with no such reported alcohol problems, Some of Pirkola's lindings appear below. Use these data to identify rhe characteristics of SDAM suicides. Are these facton specific enough to be of predictive value in a specifica dolescent?W }y or why not? TO ANALYZER ATES,A NDP ROPORTIONS Major depressionc an be treatedw ith mcdication,p sychotherapyo r a combination of the two. M. Keller and colleagues ('A Comparison of Nefazodone, the Cognitivc Behavioral-Analysis System of Psychotherapy, and Their Combination for the Treatrnent of Chronic Depression," N . Engl. J. Med.,342:1462- 1470,2 000) comparedt he efficacy of thesc approaches in outpatients diagnosed with a chronic major depressived isorder,D epressionw as diagnosedu sing the 24- item Hamilton Rating Scalef or Depression,w here a higher scorei ndicates more severed epression.A ll subjectsb egan the study with a Ecoreo f at least2 0. The investigatorsr andornlya ssignedp atientsw ho met studyc riteria to the threeg roups-medication (ncfazodone)p, sychotherapyo, r both-for l2 weeks then measuredr emission,d efincd as having a follow-up score of 8 or less after l0 weeks of treatment. The responseso f the peoplet hey studiedf ell into the following catesories,



No remission







Nefazodone and Psychotherapy



Is there any evidence that the different teatments produced different responses? If so, which one seems to work best?

Reference no: EM1313892

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