Incremental after-tax cash flows of project

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Reference no: EM1340296

A local toy store is considering opening a new coffee shop. The coffee shop will occupy space next door in the same building. That space is currently being rented out to a tenant for $30,000 per year. The project will require an upfront investment of $200,000 today in order to pay for remodeling the space and the new equipment. Assume that all of this investment is expected to last for 3 years (the life of the project), and will be depreciated using MACRS over a three-year class life. Three-year class life MACRS implies depreciation percentages of 33%, 45%, 15%, and 7% over years one through four, respectively. At the end of the three years, the store believes it can sell the equipment for $10,000. The store expects the new coffee shop to generate sales revenue from the project of $200,000 per year, with expenses (other than depreciation and taxes) of $40,000 per year. The project will require an investment in net working capital of 10% of sales, to be in place at the beginning of each year (i.e., working capital in year t is based on sales in year t+1). Assume a marginal tax rate of 30%. What are the total incremental after-tax cash flows associated with the project? Clearly label your cash flows - inflows as positive and outflows as negative.

Reference no: EM1340296

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