Increase or decrease diversity at tech planet

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM1334833

Tech Planet, of Menlo Park, CA, uses weekly lunches and "wacky follow-up sessions" as substitutes for first-round job interviews. During the informal meals, potential employees are expected to mingle, and they are then reviewed by the Tech Planet employees they meet at the luncheons. One Tech Planet employee asks candidates to ride a unicycle in her office to see if "they'll bond with the corporate culture or not." Toward the end of the screening process, the surviving group of interviewees has to solve brainteasers, and then openly evaluate their fellow candidates' strengths and weaknesses.

The group should arrive at answers regarding the following set of questions:

What issues with screening might this form of interviewing elicit?
Is this form of candidate selection likely to increase or decrease diversity at Tech Planet?
Does this methodology raise concerns about reliability and validity? If so, how?
What do you think would be a better methodology at Tech Planet and why?
Students should conduct a discussion on the discussion board to address the above questions. This is done via an initial posting with your thoughts on the process, and then responses to other students on their posts. Following that discussion, post your follow up DB response detailing your final thoughts on each of these questions. Keep in mind that the follow up post is to be a detailed post with your developed reasoning to support your answers to each question.

This assignment is completed in three parts.

Step #1 Make an initial post discussing your reaction to the process you see in place at Tech Planet. This step does not need to be lengthy and is just your first reaction prior to research.

As a 2nd step you will engage in dialogue with others on the DB with 2 or more well developed replies.

As a 3rd step you will make your follow up post answering the following 4 questions. This final post should be a detailed post with your developed reasoning to support your answers to each question. Citing of your research is required in this post.

1. What issues with screening might this form of interviewing elicit?

2. Is this form of candidate selection likely to increase or decrease diversity at Tech Planet?

3. Does this methodology raise concerns about reliability and validity? If so, how?

4. What do you think would be a better methodology at Tech Planet and why?

Reference no: EM1334833

Questions Cloud

Benefits of the family medical leave act : What are the benefits of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? How do these benefits relate to other types of employment leaves and Can the provisions of the Act be abused?
Changes in the criminal justice : Discuss the current state of criminal justice for the areas you choose and provide support for the ways in which criminal justice will change.
Gross domestic product : "How is Gross Domestic Product - GDP calculated using the expenditure and the income approach?
Person-s perception of others impact organization-s behavior : How can a person's perception of others impact an organization's behavior?
Increase or decrease diversity at tech planet : What issues with screening might this form of interviewing elicit and Is this form of candidate selection likely to increase or decrease diversity at Tech Planet?
Elucidate why population growth has such a negative impact : Elucidate why population growth has such a negative impact on economic growth in the Malthusian and Neoclassical growth models.
Design a flowchart and pseudocode using control breaks : design a flowchart and pseudocode using control breaks that enable the user to print invoices for any raw material that is selected.
The subsequent collapse of global financial markets : The conventional wisdom says the 1999-2006 residential real estate "bubble" in the U.S. and the subsequent collapse of global financial markets were caused by a failure of the free market. What's wrong with that assertion?
Also explain the methods governments use to promote : Explain the cultural, political, and economic reasons behind these policies also explain the methods governments use to promote and restrict international trade


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