Includes methods which format invoice details for printing

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940283

Using Netbean 7.2 create a program satisfying the following:

- Constructor for the Invoice class requires subtotal and customer type only

- Methods make discount percent, discount amount and invoice total available

- Methods include accessors and mutators for both instance variables

- Includes methods which format invoice details for printing

- Modify InvoiceApp class to create an Invoice object

- Modify InvoiceApp class to invoke a getInvoice method which displays the formatted results

- Insure that running InvoiceApp produces proper results

- Insure that all classes compile

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class InvoiceApp
public static void main(String[] args)
// display a welcome message
System.out.println("Welcome to the Invoice Total Calculator");
System.out.println(); // print a blank line

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
String choice = "y";
// get user entries
String customerType = Validator.getString(sc,
"Enter customer type (r/c): ");
double subtotal = Validator.getDouble(sc,
"Enter subtotal: ", 0, 10000);

// calculate the discount amount and total
double discountPercent = getDiscountPercent(subtotal, customerType);
double discountAmount = subtotal * discountPercent;
double total = subtotal - discountAmount;

// format the values
NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
NumberFormat percent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
String sSubtotal = currency.format(subtotal);
String sCustomerType = "Unknown";
if (customerType.equalsIgnoreCase("r"))
sCustomerType = "Retail";
else if (customerType.equalsIgnoreCase("c"))
sCustomerType = "College";
String sDiscountPercent = percent.format(discountPercent);
String sDiscountAmount = currency.format(discountAmount);
String sTotal = currency.format(total);

// format and display the results
String message = "Subtotal: " + sSubtotal + "n"
+ "Customer type: " + sCustomerType + "n"
+ "Discount percent: " + sDiscountPercent + "n"
+ "Discount amount: " + sDiscountAmount + "n"
+ "Total: " + sTotal + "n";

System.out.print("Continue? (y/n): ");
choice =;

static double getDiscountPercent(double subtotal, String type)
double discountPercent = 0.0;
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("r"))
if (subtotal >= 500)
discountPercent = .2;
else if (subtotal >= 250 && subtotal < 500)
discountPercent =.15;
else if (subtotal >= 100 && subtotal < 250)
discountPercent =.1;
else if (subtotal < 100)
discountPercent =.0;
else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("c"))
discountPercent = .2;
discountPercent = .05;

return discountPercent;

Reference no: EM13940283

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