In what ways is your proposed study going to contribute

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM133123493


1. What is the topic of your dissertation?

2. Why are you interested in this topic?

3. Identify 3 key articles on the topic. Please give the references in full using the Harvard style. For each article describe its main findings or argument and then explain why you have selected it as one of your key articles.

4. What are the key issues / questions that are discussed in the literature?

5. In what ways is your proposed study going to contribute to these discussions?

6. What are your research questions (maximum 3) (e.g.Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?)

7. What are your proposed methods? Explain and justify your choice.

8. Who will you study and how are you planning on gaining access to your sample?

9. Please provide a timetable for undertaking your research project.

Dissertation Topic Proposal

What is your dissertation topic?

What are your research questions (maximum 3)?

Why are you interested in researching this topic?

Attachment:- Dissertation_Pro_Forma.rar

Reference no: EM133123493

Questions Cloud

Types of threats can impact operations of infrastructure : What types of threats can impact operations of the infrastructure? What steps can be taken to protect systems in the infrastructure
What is her age to start to saving money : You have a sister. For her college education every end of the year you are putting $1484 in her saving account. What is her age to start to saving money
Explain how the company might change its accounting system : Can you explain how the company might change its accounting system to reflect the reporting problems better? Are there other problems with the purchasing area
Three types of radiology guidelines are professional : Three types of radiology guidelines are professional, technical, and global. Professional is the services of the physician and includes supervision, interpretat
In what ways is your proposed study going to contribute : What are your proposed methods - Who will you study and how are you planning on gaining access to your sample
Datacenter edition servers are experiencing rapid growth : The databases used by the Datacenter Edition servers are experiencing rapid growth in terms of use and size.
Prepare budgeted income statements for each month : Income taxes are estimated to be 30% of income from operations. Prepare budgeted income statements for each month in columnar form
At what price should the builder sell the properties to earn : The property would normally sell for $150,000. At what price should the builder sell the properties to earn, in effect, the market rate of interest on the loan
What is penetration testing : Penetration testing is a simulated cyberattack against a computer or network that checks for exploitable vulnerabilities. What is penetration testing?


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